Chapter One

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Taking a long sip of the tart strawberry milkshake given to me by Mira before she left to visit Kardia Cathedral with Elfman to see her deceased sisters' grave, Lisanna, I look around and see that the guild is not as boisterous as usual. Natsu is sitting along with Happy in the corner of the room, ignoring everyone, which is unlike him. I suppose it's because Lisanna was his childhood friend. My eyes soften as I see Happys eyes fill with tears as he looks at Natsu's forlorn face. I had tried to come to Natsu and cheer him up, but was sent away by Erza, who explained the story to me.

Finishing up my milkshake, I check the time to see that it's almost midnight. As if on cue, I yawn loudly. Lifting myself off the bar chair I say a loud goodnight to the guild members, receiving a chorus of 'Goodbye Lucy's. Taking one last look at the spot where Natsu is seated, I see he has fallen asleep in a rather uncomfortable position. Deciding that no matter how hard I would try to wake him up he wouldn't budge, I should just leave him there. Walking out of the Guild doors I make my way to my apartment. I was still sore from the return from Edolas, so I decide against walking close to the water, earning a nod of approval from the two fishermen in the boat.

"Good on you Lucy!" yells the older fisherman, whom I always forgets name. I smile and wave lightly before I turn to the building in which is my apartment.

Walking up the stairs and unlocking the door I immediately check to see if Natsu's there before I run the bath. Of course he wouldn't be here; he's passed out at the guild. Smiling sadly to myself at the memory of him, I turn off the flow of bathwater, looking in the mirror at my chocolate brown eyes with dark circles underneath them, and dark blonde hair caressing my shoulders. Pulling out my side ponytail and stripping off my clothes, I step into the bath and let the warm water envelope me.

Unplugging the bath and changing into comfortable clothes, I let my mind wander to my mother and father. Maybe I should write a letter to mother. Smiling at the thought, I go to my desk and pick up a pen and paper. Thinking of all the events that have happened since I last wrote, I press the pen to the paper.

Dear mom,
I am happy to say that we have come back from Edolas! I'm sorry I wasn't able to write to you while I was in Edolas, it was very chaotic. It was just Wendy, Natsu, Gajeel, Happy, Charle, and me. All the dragon slayers stayed as well as the exceeds. As for me, I was only safe because Horologium came in the nick of time, haha. Before I went to Edolas, I ran into Mystogan, who gave me a red pill like candy, saying that this was the only way I would be able to use magic freely in the opposite dimension. He came as well. At this time I wasn't aware that the dragon slayers and exceeds were also okay. All I knew was that the entire town of Magnolia, including Fairy Tail, vanished into thin air! Later, when I was in Edolas, I ran into Natsu and, get this, Edo-Lucy!? Edo-me then explained that the magic in Edolas was limited, and that the town of magnolia was turned into a giant lacrima and was going to be used to power Edolas! I won't go through the details; I just want you to know that I and everyone else are safe and sound. On another note, it is coming to the anniversary of Lisanna Strauss' death and Natsu isn't taking it too well. He doesn't want to do anything and all he does is sulk. I truly feel for him. I hope he will come to terms that she's in a better place right now. I don't think it helped him to know that there was an Edo-version of her. All I can do is wait until he feels better. I have to go now, its super late and I'm still aching from the fights in Edolas.
Lots of love, your daughter,
Lucy Heartfilia.

Cracking my knuckles, I place the letter into an envelope and stamp it with a red wax seal. Placing it in the cupboard with all the other letters, I head into the direction of my bed. Resting comfortably, I let sleep conquer me.


"Lucy, I'm kicking you off of team Natsu. Now that Lisanna is back, it just wouldn't feel right not having her by my side. I'm sorry, Lucy," says an emotionless Natsu, in front of the entire guild. My heart stops. Feigning a laugh, I smile.

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