Chapter Five

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It's been two days since that drunken night and I still feel the piercing hangover I had the other day. Everyone else feels it too. When Ishi woke up, I thought he was going to pass out when he saw the mustache we drew on his face.

Today, I'm going on a special job just with Kaoru, since she decided she wanted to go on a two person job and Amaya is on another job. We're supposed to gather some coco beans and poisonous mushrooms for a brewer who lives nearby. The reward is low, but Kaoru wanted to go, so Master asked me to supervise. As of right now, she is pulling me along as she searches for coco and mushrooms. Not only is she looking to complete the job, she wants to collect a mushroom for herself so she can add it to her list of attacks. I sigh softly. This little girl is crazy.

"Lucy! I found an entire field of coco! And around the watery areas, there are the poisonous mushrooms! Yay! Hooray for Kaoru!" cheers Kaoru, high fiving me before picking some coco. I laugh at her enthusiasm as I watch her use a tulip basket to carry the poisonous mushrooms without touching them.

"Let's send these over to the brewer, Lucy, and get my award!" she claps, as we head back in the direction of the guild.

"Is there anything you want to get with that money? You've been looking for this specific amount of jewels for a while now?" I ask, genuinely curious. Who knows what this girl could want? She seems completely innocent, but her flowers can be turned into a huge katana and slice anything. She nods vigorously.

"Yes! When we were in town last time, I saw a cute little kitty! She was light pink and she had pretty blue eyes!" Kaoru explains, stars in her eyes. I giggle and nod at the little girls kitty love.

"How about we go get the kitty now? I'll pay for her, and you can keep the reward," I say, smiling as bright as possible. Tears well up in the little ten year olds eyes as she hugs my leg tight.

"Thank you Lucy-nee chan! You're the best!" she wails, as I pick her up and take her to the town.

Once we get there she runs to the pet store, me trailing close behind. She points out the cat, and I have to admit, it's pretty goddamn adorable. Paying for the neko we begin to walk home before it gets too late.

"So, Kaoru, what are you going to name her?" I ask, looking at the setting sun.

"Her name is Angel! Isn't that right Angel?" she talks to the cat. How cute.

"Arigato for taking me in, Kaoru-kun!" Angel speaks, causing both me and Kaoru to stop with mouths open.

"Y-You're an Exceed?" I shriek, shocked to say the least. Kaoru just stares at Angel, shaking with excitement.

"So cool! I love you Angel, I love you!" she grins, hugging the small exceed closer. I sweat drop, thinking about the reporter, Jason.

We finally arrive at the guild after all the commotion and see that everyone is waiting for us. When they see the little cat in Kaoru's arms, all of their eyes turn into hearts as they horde around Kaoru and try to pet Angel.


"Neko, neko, neko!" sounds of everyone swooning over the exceed, I laugh as I join in on the fun. She definitely is a little angel, I give her that.

We figure out a lot of things about Angel, like the fact that she was one of the hundred eggs that were sent out so many years ago. She got to see her birth parents, but unfortunately they passed away when they got here. She was roaming the streets when she was picked up and taken into the pet store, where she had been ever since. It's a heartfelt story that has almost everyone in tears.

"Well, that was a tearjerker, I say we eat now," Master speaks, discreetly wiping his nose. We all giggle at our own antics and head towards the bar tables. I chat with Hekate and Akiko as I stuff my face with tofu curry.

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