(5) Capture the flag

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Amelia's pov

After I stormed out of the bathroom I was left alone with me and my thoughts. All I could think about was him. Why did this random boy have a such an effect on me? I don't even know him. But I know one thing for sure there was no way I was letting him die in Capture the flag. As I kept walking I bumped into someone. "Oh my god so sorry Luke."

"It's okay Amelia, but why are you walking around when lights are out soon?" Luke questioned with a curious face.

"Oh, I uhm-" I stopped for a second to come up with an excuse. I don't want Luke to know anything that happened in case Annabeth doesn't want him to know plus knowing me if I open up about the whole toilet incident I might spill my fears about Percy. "I was just going on a late night walk you know just to clear my head." Wow, great excuse Amelia I don't even believe that myself. Change the subject! "What are you doing up?"

"Same as you i guess wanted to go for a walk." Luke was just starring at me. Like full on starring.

"Uhm okay I think I might go to bed now, night Luke." I say before running off as i hear Luke sat goodnight back but it was faded as I ran.

Percys pov

"The first team to retrieve the opposing flag and return it across the river shall be the victor." Chiron explained to the teams. "As always there will be no killing. I trust these rules will be respected."

I looked around confused on what on earth I am meant to be doing here helping I mean I can't even walk without tripping over! And yes i tripped over just this morning. "Any magical items you possess are permitted as well." I nervously looked down at my pen before Luke piped up.

"It's okay." He reassured me while keeping his gaze straight ahead. "Let her rip."

"I still don't even know what my job is?" I told him, "Maybe I won't even need a sword."

"Let the games begin!" Chiron  finally shouted as the conch was blown along with the battle cries of both teams. That's when I finally had enough courage to turn and look at her. Amelia jumped slightly as she snapped out of whatever daydream she was in. She's so cute. Wait-

"Alright we have 20 minutes before the second conch and game on." Luke stated as Amelia and Annabeth walked over to us.

"You know what your doing?" Annabeth asked Luke

"Yes ma'am!" Luke said as him smiled while turning away before Annabeth called out for him.

"Hey! Today feel like a winning day for you?" Annabeth said with a smirk

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