13 - Elbowing Percy Jackson is really fun !

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╬═╬    Just dropped down to say
╬═╬    *Elbowing Percy Jackson is really fun!*
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" She is the meanest nice person you'll ever meet. "
-Percy Jackson


Davina and Will were the first to arrive at the mess hall. Davina sent Josh to get Annabeth and Chiron. She felt a little bad for the kid but then brushed it off, remembering who his dad was. Truthfully, Davina had absolutely no idea how the hell did Connor know she was back, but she guessed the words travelled fast through the camp.

She saw Connor and Percy standing there, Connor seemed a little awkward, as if he didn't know how he was supposed to feel. Percy, on the other hand, looked as if he was carrying the burden of the world, which he really was.

She came to a sudden stop, causing Will, who was running behind her to stumble a little, trying to prevent himself crashing into the girl. Under any other circumstances, he would've smacked her in the back of her head for her recklessness.

" Percy ! Thank goodness. "

She bolted towards the sea green eyed demigod, hugging him as he stood there, stunned. Honestly, Davina had to admit, she had never been this happy to see the son of Poseidon. She's already had her fair share of losses to last her a lifetime.

Interactions between the emerald green eyed girl, and the sea green eyed boy consisted of constant bickering like a pair of 5 year olds fighting over toys -instead, it was actually Annie's attention- , along with glaring, elbowing, insulting, shoving and extending their legs to trip the other.

They were very civilised towards one another, as you could see. [Note the sarcasm]

So Davina, showing any sort of affection to the son of Poseidon, was new to the boy, catching him off guard. Though, he returned the hug regardless of that. The kid was happy that he was back. He was happy to be back,too.

Perhaps after everything they've been through together, their silly little grudge towards one another was slowly fading awa-

She elbowed him in his lung. He spoke too soon.

"Ouch ! what the heck, Diya !?" The demigod exclaimed in disbelief. Connor Stoll snorted, and it took Will Solace everything, not to burst into laughter.

Davina Shrugged.

" You didn't take me with you. But I'll forgive since you're alive."

She faked a sweet, innocent smile.

Percy scoffed and rolled his eyes, muttering a "for the love of gods, seriously this brat..." .

"Wait .. where is Beckendorf ?"

Percy glanced downward.

Connor looked away, and Davina heard Will muttering a "oh, dear Apollo ..." Behind her.

Her heart sunk, seeing the look in Percy's eyes. She remembered the morning before she got the piercings, when she stood by the Aphrodite's Cabin with Annabeth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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