2: Simulation.

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     On the other side of the headquarters, Vector was about to take a nap in his bedroom. He had just settled into his bed when his comm device beeped, signaling an incoming call. With a sigh, he sat up and answered it, a grin already forming on his face.

"Hey, Jaxa, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Vector joked.

Jaxa's voice came through, a mix of business and teasing. "Vector, you should be at the training field for the introduction of the new recruits."

Vector chuckled, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. "Alright, alright, I'll be there soon. But seriously, why is it that only you ever call me and Crosshair? Aren't there other people who can handle this stuff?"

Jaxa’s tone turned slightly more serious but still playful. "Crosshair is... well, you know how he is. No one can handle him like I can. As for you, Vector, you're just easier to deal with."

Vector rolled his eyes, still smiling. "Lucky me. By the way, I’ve noticed some potential in a few of the new recruits."

Jaxa's interest was piqued. "Oh? Who are they?"

Vector leaned back, thinking for a moment. "I sense a bit of déjà vu, but the names are Neeil, Necro, Seraph, and Blitz."

Jaxa made some notes, her tone now purely professional. "I'll monitor those names and dig for additional information on them. Well, not for Neeil. I already know she's Apolonia's daughter."

Vector nodded. "Yeah, that makes sense. Anyway, I’ll head to the training field now. Thanks for the heads-up, Jaxa."

"Anytime, Vector. And don’t be late."

Vector ended the call, shaking his head with a smirk. Jaxa always managed to keep things interesting. He quickly changed into his training gear and headed out of his room, making his way to the training field. As he walked, he thought about the names he’d mentioned to Jaxa. Each of them had shown potential in different ways, and he had a feeling they’d all make significant contributions in the future.

Reaching the training field, Vector saw the new recruits assembled, waiting for their introduction. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, ready to meet the next generation of soldiers and to see what they were truly made of.

As Vector approached the recruits, his demeanor shifted dramatically. Gone was the casual, laid-back attitude, it was replaced by a serious, strict, and business-like presence. He stood tall, his eyes sharp as he surveyed the new soldiers.

"Listen up," Vector began, his voice carrying authority. "Your path ahead will not be easy. Every step you take, every decision you make, carries immense consequences. The smallest mishap or miscalculation can mean the difference between success and failure, life and death."

As he spoke, Striker Drones emerged from their camouflage mode, hovering in the air above the recruits. Their laser pointers locked onto each recruit, a silent but powerful reminder of the stakes involved. The recruits visibly tensed, feeling the weight of Vector's words and the drones' presence.

"You will be tested," Vector continued, his tone unwavering. "Through a series of obstacles and missions, we will determine who among you has what it takes to serve in this unit."

He paused, letting the gravity of his message sink in. The recruits stood in silence, absorbing every word.

After a moment, Vector took a deep breath, relaxing his shoulders. His strict demeanor began to melt away, replaced by his usual calm, under-fire attitude. He gave the recruits a nod, signaling a shift in tone.

"You have 30 minutes to prepare yourselves," he said, his voice now more relaxed but still firm. "Gear up, get ready, and meet back here at the training field."

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