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The castle burned, the moon was redder than blood, and soldiers in black armor clashed with warriors in red.

Soldier 1: Hold the line!

Soldier 2: Hold the line! Keep Princess Celica safe!

King: Where is Artorius?!

Soldier 3: My king! Please, you must fall back!

King: No! I will not abandon him! Find him! No man is left behind!

Elsewhere, four children ran through the forest. One of them was an older girl with black hair and amber eyes, the other was an older boy with black hair and blue eyes, and two younger boys with blonde hair. 

Black haired boy: (thoughts) Tch...! There have already been sightings of Daemons nearby as well! 

The older girl falls onto the dirt as the older boy turns back and helps her up. 

???: Where did Elwin's children run off too?!

??? 2: Find them! KILL ALL 4 OF THEM!!!

Black haired boy: Damn...

He helped his sister up, he quickly led her and the younger ones straight off the path and into the woods. He gently shoved them inside a tree.

Black haired boy: Stay here. I'll find Father, Arthur and big sister.

Sister: N-no, Y/N, don't go!

Y/N: I'll Be fine.

Sister: NO!!! They'll kill you!

Y/N: (smile) It's okay. I can handle it.

He came closer and hugged the sister, and the younger siblings.

Y/N: It's my turn to protect you this time.

Sister: Of course! Have I ever lied to you?

Y/N: U-Um....Well, not this time! I'll be back soon. But for now, you need to keep Joshua and Laphicet safe. Okay?

Sister: ...Alright. Be careful.

Y/N: You got it! Remember what Arthur said: Don't despair, no matter what. (stood up bravely) Stay hidden! 

And so, he ran off into the woods. As he ran into the woods...


Y/N: (shocked) C-Celica...? No! CELICA!!!

He ran as fast as he could but suddenly, a bright pillar of light into the sky appeared in the distance.

He ran as fast as he could but suddenly, a bright pillar of light into the sky appeared in the distance

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Y/N: (surprised) that?

He heard the sounds of groaning nearby as he turned behind and saw a soldier in black armor coming out from the bushes. Suddenly, the man holds his head in pain as a dark aura surrounds his body before he ends up transforming into a werewolf creature. 

Fairy Tail's Dominant: Fairy Tail x male reader x Final Fantasy 16Where stories live. Discover now