Mission, set aside

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"Well, well Mag." Bree approached with me persuasively. She had a feeling something happened last night I bet.

"Yeah Bree? " I played along her little plan. 

"You seem happier than usual today?"she continued with a sneaky smile.

"Do I?" I replied with a surprised face, it is really fun to play her game.

"Oh man!" she snapped, "Did you have sex with Chase last night?" she bombed on me.

Oh thank God Mr. Davenport arrived. "Guys we have a new assignment; there has been an accident in one of my secret facilities. Douglas will tell you the rest." he informed us.

Ah Geez, Fucker is gonna talk.

"One of Donny's prototypes exploded, again," giving his brother a glare, "You guys have to evacuate the staff, but be careful."

Everyone went in there capsules to change, and after I entered in the capsule for my turn, but everyone gave me a look wondering what I was doing.

"What?" I asked.

"What are you doing Mag?" Mr. Davenport asked.

"I'm preparing to go on the mission with others."

"Well Mag..." Mr. Davenport started, but Leo cut him off.

"Big D. I got this. Mag, Mag, Mag, welcome to a world where you just sit aside and watch them work."

"WHAT!" I yelled.

"Mag, you can't take the risk of being seen. Don't forget the cops are looking for Annibal, and you need to keep a low profile. Understood."

"But Mr. Daven..." he cut me off.

"Don't argue with me!" I stayed quit and sat down on a chair.

My friends left for their mission and I stayed there, waiting for them.


It has been hours my friends left for their mission, my patient was running out; I was losing my freaking mind. I hated the fact I couldn't go on the mission

"Chase? Bree?! Adam!" Mr. Davenport called.

"Oh shit!" Mr. Davenport yelled with a worried look on his face.

"What's wrong Big D?" Leo asked

"I lost complete contact with them. I can't get a signal from Adam, Bree and Chase neither." he affirmed.

"No," I thought, "I have to do something." I sneaked out to my room and changed in a black pair of skinny jeans, a dark shirt and a leather jacket. I covered my eyes with a dark tissue and colored my eyes to red.

I needed to slip away of the lab without being seen. Lucky for me Leo and Mr. Davenport were so focused on the laptop trying to find a signal. I slipped my way to the elevator until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going?" Fucker whispered to me. "If you,re going to that mission, you can't go."

"Please, I can't just do anything." I begged, "If they're in trouble and something happens, I don't want to have the feeling of guilt that I couldn't do anything. The same feeling I had when Aline murdered my parents." I said with tears going down to my cheek.

Fucker stopped and thought, and gave me one last look: "there in the facility in north Canada, in an abandoned mine." he revealed to me with a sympathetic smile.

I ran to the elevator and turned to him: "Don't believe I forgave you, but, thank you, Douglas."

I jumped up to the elevator and super speed outside to the secret facility.

Later, in the facility

Chase's POV

Things were bad. We have evacuated everyone, but there has been a flaw to the plan. I lost contact with Mr. Davenport. We were all now doomed to die. Unfortunately, we were to our necks. One of the bomb prototypes exploded and brocked our signal to use our bionics and... another of the prototypes bombs was engaged. The only way to keep it disengage was by holding a single button. Letting it go meant...NO! I don't want to think about that. I don't want to believe I'll never see Mag again. I was beside the bomb holding that button, waiting for a signal.

Bree and Adam waited to my side, with a worried look on their faces.

"Guys, go find a helicopter and bring the employees to safety, I'll stay here and try to find a way to stop the bomb." I ordered.

"But Chase, we can't leave you..." Adam planed, leading to silence.

"It's an order!" I yelled.

They took one last look to me before leaving the room letting me by myself, alone, waiting for a signal. It's what I had to do; I need to keep my siblings safe.

"Chase!" I heard someone calling out my name, Bree must have come back.

"Bree, I ordered you to take the employees to safe..." I said as I stopped. Mag was here! "Mag, what are you doing here?!"

What was she doing here? This is too dangerous.

"I came to get you out of trouble." She said, "Chase, why didn't you use your bionics to diffuse the bomb?"

"There was another explosion and it broke my signal so I couldn't use my bionics." I informed her. "Mag, get out of here, it's not safe!"

But she didn't listen to a single word I said. She just familiarised herself with the bomb, trying to find a way to diffuse it.

"Chase, listen to me carefully," she said untying the lace of her warrior boots. "At my single, you will lean lower your finger of the button." She ordered to me with stress crashing her throat, "I will afterwards use my super speed to secure the bomb, by that, we will at least have 20 seconds to escape."

That was a risky idea, but it was that or nothing. I nodded in agreement and prepared for the execution of her plan. I felt my finger holding the button shaking for the next step. I felt a sweat on my forehead, scared if the plan wouldn't work, I don't want this to be goodbye.

Mags leaned to me and lift slowly my head, staring at me with her gorgeous red eyes and gently kiss me, telling me that we weren't going to say goodbye, only a see you later. I smiled back to her and nodded.

"Ready... One..." she held her shoe lace "Two..." she posed herself in position, "THREE!" I quickly lowered my finger and super speed around the bomb and the button tightly. She ran five tours and finally grabbed me and ran us out of the mine.

As we were closing in to the exit, we heard an explosion. Fire was running after us quickly, making Mag run as fast as she could. The explosion pushed us to exit, making us fall to the ground. She groaned and leaned to me looking to me with a relieved expression.

"I told I would see you later." She smiled.

I approached her close to me and kissed her. "Hi love." I smiled her back. "Wait, did Mr. Davenport sent you here?"

She rolled her eyes funny, "I hope he'll think that." She said, "I'm so gonna lectured, aren't I." she whined.

I nodded to her with a small laugh and pecked her on forhead.

"Aww man!" she groaned.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------thank you for the comments

love ya,

Double M

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