Chapter 1

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"Charley!" A woman yelled for me. I looked up from my phone and smiled. My oldest sister was walking towards me.

"Giselle!" I smiled and threw my phone in my bag. I quickly locked my car and jogged to her.

"How have you been?" She asked, grabbing at my hand. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Fine. Planing a trip to the UK soon and that's about it. You?"

"Sophie and Ellen are still good. Jacob is good. I'm good." She smiled and pulled me into a coffee shop.

"What do you want? My treat." She asked, digging in her purse for her wallet. I looked up at the menu.

"Just a small black coffee. Thanks." I replied.

"Awesome. Go grab a table." She nodded. I turned and started to walk back. A boy unexpectedly walked into me.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as my bag fell to the ground. All of the contents spilt all over the floor.

"I am so sorry." He responded. His voice was heavily accented. My eyes shot right up to him.

"Yeah yeah." I rolled my  eyes and went to the ground and scooped all my belongings into my bag.  The man came down and started to help.

"I am so sorry." He replied, handing me my phone. I snatched it back and threw it in.

"It's fine. Thanks." I said and stood up. He quickly came back up and looked at me. He was tall!

"I'm Dan." He smiled and stuck out his hand. I let out a small groan.

"Charley." I smiled.  "Listen, I just got out of a really rough relationship and I don't want  to be in another. It was nice meeting you Dan." I said and pushed pass  him. Moments later, Giselle came over with a small sandwich and two cups  of coffee.

Allow me to introduce  myself. I'm Charlotte Bradbury. People call me Charley. Everyone calls  me Charley. I prefer it. I am 25 years of age. And I am an aspiring  writer. I'm single. Just got out of a long and terrible relationship  with a horrible man. I don't really like talking about it...

"What was that about?"

"A boy being a klutz." I rolled my eyes and sipped my drink.

"He was nice looking."

"Giselle, I don't really want to be in a relationship. I'm not-"

"I know. You're not ready. Char, you need to let Teddy go. What he did 5 years ago is in the past."

"You don't know what he  did." I said and stood up. "Thanks for the coffee." I said, throwing a  five dollar bill at the table. I grabbed my cup and left for my car. I  unlocked it and climbed in and drove off for my apartment.


"Giselle, I need to pack. London is in like two days." I said into my phone. I grabbed my large suitcase and threw it on my bed.


"Wait! Do you have a black dress I can possibly borrow?" I asked, going to my closet and taking all my clothes out and throwing hem on my bed, next to my suitcase.

"Yeah. I'll bring it over." She said. "I'll be by in an hour or so. See ya!" She quickly added and hung up. I threw my phone on my night stand and started to fold my clothes.

I'm packing most of my belongings. I'm not just visiting the UK, I'm moving there. I need a new life. Being here in NY is too much for me right now. Everything that has happened in the last few years, needs to go away. And by making them go away, I'm leaving. No one knows this.

After I folded my clothes, I went to my small office and started to write a small good bye letter to Giselle and the rest of my family.

Dearest Family and Friends,

Hello. It's me. If your reading this, that means that I have left. No. I didn't kill my self. I don't feel that. I've left NY and I am moving to London.

Being here in LA reminds me too much of my life with Ted. I no longer want to think of him or anything that has happened with him. So, I am moving to London. I will call you when I need and stuff of the like.

Thank you for understanding.


As soon as I finished, there was a knock at my apartment door. I quickly folded the letter and threw it in a draw and dashed to my door.

"Giselle!" I smiled, she had her small baby twins on her chest and back, and in her hand was a bag that had a black dress.

"Here. Can't stay long." She said, handing me the bag. I took it and let her in.

"Thanks." I said, pushing the door closed.

"When are you leaving?" She asked, standing in the living room.

"Soon." I nodded. "I'll be back." I said, grabbing the bag and going to my room. I threw the bag at the suitcase and then went to my office. I grabbed my letter and went to Giselle.

"Can you give this to mom and dad?" I asked handing it to her. She took it and nodded. We chatted for a minute before she left. I quickly finished packing and went to watch Supernatural.

A/N: Ello! I'm   here with another story that I will probably never finish. But, I hope   you enjoy what I post! Sorry this chapter is so short. •-•

I've recently fallen in love with Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil. So, yeah... Enjoy!

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