Chapter 18

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Dear Norah,

Thank you for your owl! It's the first time again since you got your sixth year letter that we received word from Starlight. Congratulations on getting the Order of Merlin! I still can't believe it, you've become the youngest recipient of such a prestigious award. Your father and I have been celebrating since we received the issue of the Daily Prophet. Who would have guessed?

Then again, it might not be as surprising after all. Ever since Professor Fig came to our home that day, he knew there was something special about you. We're so happy that it really was like that. Finally, a witch in our family!

We don't suppose you can bring some butterbeers our way? How much is the exchange rate these days to galleons, sickles, and knuts? Please let us know so we can have a keg brought over. If not, we could find the time to travel to Hogsmeade while you're there to have some. I doubt the Leaky Cauldron or the nearest pub serves those.

Still, we couldn't be prouder of you for doing all that you've done, all the while excelling in your OWLs. Write back soon so we can make the time to come and visit. We can't wait to meet your friends as well.


P.S.: Thank your friend Adele for the Montrose Magpies poster! Her sister Alexandra seems a fine player.

P.P.S.: Your father plans on making a deposit to your Gringotts vault soon. He made me swear not to tell you, but he's just so proud of you.

Norah stared at the letter that morning over breakfast. It seemed like a welcome surprise after the week she had. Unsurprisingly, she woke up with a splitting headache, immediately reaching for the hangover tonic Nerida was kind enough to point out. Sebastian and Ominis had yet to come up, and perhaps it was a good thing, given what Nerida and Grace told her about her sleeping habits the night before.

The two girls were eating their breakfast next to her, with Grace sitting across from them as they tucked into their plates of toast, eggs, and sausages. "Do you have a dress for the Yule Ball yet, Norah?" The blonde suddenly asked her.

She looked up from reading the letter from her mother for the 10th time. "Hmm? I-I don't have anything to wear yet. I probably should find something to wear by then, shouldn't I?" She said.

"You must! the Yule Ball's less than a month away," Nerida said. "You, most especially, have to make quite an entrance, especially if you want Ominis to notice you."

"He's blind, I doubt he'll be able to see my dress, let alone appreciate it," Norah pointed out with a laugh.

Grace, however, looked unamused. "You're the hero of Hogwarts, Order of Merlin awardee, if Ominis won't be able to see you, everyone else will," She countered. "Tell you what, my family's trusted seamstress makes the most beautiful gowns. They've made my mother's wedding dress, and a few other dresses we've had to wear over the years in balls and such. Why don't we pay her a visit?"

Norah raised a brow. "Grace, I appreciate the offer but I'll be fine. I'm sure I can be able to find something to wear by then."

She didn't know where to turn to other than Gladrags and Madam Malkin's. But if all else failed, she could try and make an outfit from the clothes she owned, a good portion of her wardrobe being clothes she found while treasure hunting. She was nothing if not resourceful, perhaps something the Sorting Hat sensed about her when she got sorted during fifth year.

"Does Ominis know, by the way?" Nerida suddenly asked.

"Know what?"

"That you fancy him?"

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