The plan of revenge

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Maleficent was sitting in a tall green chair filing her nails. "You will go. You will find Fairy Godmother and you will bring back her magic wand." She blows on her nails before looking at the kids. "Easy peasy." She winks.

"What's in it for us?" Mal asks, the others surrounding her as the rest of the parents busy themselves in the background.

Maleficent makes a thinking face. "Matching thrones. Hers-and-hers crowns."

"Um, I-I think she meant us." White hair says, gesturing to the group as Mal does the same.

Black hair reiterates, "Like, all, of us."

Maleficent throws her nail filer and gestures for Mal to get closer. Once she's up to the railing she stands up and leans over it. "It's all about you and me, baby. Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?" 

Mal gives a confused scoff/chuckle. "Well, yeah, I mean who doesn't."

"Well then get me the wand," she says in an urgent tone, "and you and I can see that and so much more. And with that wand, and my scepter, I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!" She stands straight and raises both arms up with a hungry smile.

A cough is heard as the Queen of Hearts raises an eyebrow unamused at being left out. The Evil Queen lowers a mirror with an equally unamused look as she corrects, "Our will." Cruella points at the two in agreement. Jafar turns around as his son eats something.

"Our will, our will." She waves them off nonchalantly before snapping her fingers making Mal look at her again. "And if you refuse, you're grounded for the rest of you life missy."

She wink as Mal starts to complain. "Wha-Mom-" Maleficent pretends to squish Mal's lips to make her stop complaining and they stared at each other in a staring contest. Both their eyes glowed green doing so, Mal struggling before she ultimately lost. She let's out an annoyed groan. "Fine, whatever."

Mal walks away annoyed as Maleficent says, "I win."

"Evie! My little Evil-lette in training." The Evil Queen calls to her daughter who eagerly skips over and sits next to her mother. "You just find yourself a prince with a big castle and a mother-in-law wing." "And lots and lots of mirrors!" They say in unison. Evie lets out a dreamy laugh as her mom immediately warns, "No laughing. Wrinkles~."

Maleficent hangs her head in annoyance as Cruella also adds her two cents. "Well they're not taking my Carlos because I'd miss him too much." She says strokes his cheek.

He gives a surprised but pleased look. "Really mom?"

"Yes!" She says like it was obvious. "Who would touch up my roots, fluff my fur, and scrape the bunions off my feet." She slings her leg into Carlos' arm, who doesn't look so pleased anymore.

"Maybe a new school wouldn't be the worst thing." He drops her foot as he dejectedly says this. 

She puts a hand on his shoulder as he says in an attempt to persuade him, "Carlos, they have dogs in Auradon."

Carlos immediately shakes his head in fear. "Oh no, I'm not going."

Maleficent grunts in frustration and Jafar exclaims, "Well Jay isn't going either! I need him to stock the shelves in my store." He immediately turns to Jay with an excited look as he pulls him further from the rest. "What did you score?"

Jay chuckles as he pulls out some of the stuff from his vest and handing them to him. His dad looks at each thing pleased before he drops it all when he brings out a lamp. He eagerly takes it. "A lamp." He excitedly rubs at it as Maleficent rolls her eyes at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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