Chapter 1

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"Obsession is a game for young men, and my only defense is that I never grew up"


Consistency plays a crucial role in maintaining order in our lives, even when we don't realize it. I take pride in being consistent. Each morning, I wake up and prepare for the day ahead, putting on my work attire as I brace myself for whatever challenges may come my way.

However, my consistency might have been the issue that led me into the trap ahead. I wake abruptly to the piercing sound of the alarm, jolting me out of my slumber. Bleary-eyed, I reluctantly rouse myself, treasuring every precious moment of sleep I can grab. As I shake off my drowsiness, a sharp knock breaks through my foggy thoughts, drawing my attention to the door.

I wonder who would be knocking at my door this early in the morning. As I rise from my seat, I make my way to the door and cautiously peer through the peephole. To my surprise, it's my landlord, Jason. I knew immediately why he was here – I'd fallen behind on my bills over the past two weeks. But can you blame me? I've been feeling incredibly paranoid lately, constantly sensing that someone is watching my every move. It's gotten so bad that I've been avoiding going to work altogether.

I hear a frustrated grunt coming from him. "So are you just gonna stand there, or are you going to let me in? We need to talk, Rosaline," he says. I let out a sigh and reluctantly open the door for him, gesturing for him to come inside, which he does.

"Jason, before you start, I want to explain that I've been behind on rent, but I promise-" He interrupted me by raising his hand, signaling for me to stop speaking as if he didn't want to hear any excuses. What does he expect me to say? I haven't been attending work because I've been feeling paranoid and constantly watched, which has led to me staying home and sulking. As a result, I'm unable to pay him the $600 in past due rent.

"Rosaline, I'm quite concerned because you've never been past due on rent before. I just want to understand what's happening." He sighed, running a hand through his shaggy brown hair. Jason, the landlord, was fairly young, just having turned 30 a few months back. Despite his age, he looked no older than 24. He was lanky but in reasonably good shape. He wasn't muscular, but you could tell he took care of himself. His hair was always artfully messy, and he had a penchant for wearing suits. He didn't fit the stereotype of a rude landlord.

I let out a breath before explaining what has been going on for the past 2 weeks and why I have been unable to pay him.

"Okay, just to make sure I'm following along here. You decided to resign from your job because you suspect that someone is following you, and you're feeling unsafe about being in public spaces?" he inquired, his expression reflecting his confusion as he attempted to absorb this unexpected revelation.

I nod slowly

"Alright, I can extend the deadline by 5 more months. But if I still don't have the $600 by then, I'll have to start the eviction process, Rosaline," he said softly. I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I exhaled deeply. I was grateful for his understanding. Six months felt like a generous extension, and I couldn't imagine losing this apartment. Despite its modesty, it was my only home for the time being.

"Jason, thank you from the bottom of my heart!" I excitedly lunge at him, wrapping my arms around him in a big hug before stepping back. "I can't express how much I appreciate this. I assure you that you'll have your money in 5 months, maybe even sooner. I just need a bit of time," I gush with sheer joy.

He stood there awkwardly for a moment before giving me a small, tentative smile. "No problem, I'll see you later, Rosaline," he said softly. With that, he opened the door and walked out, closing it gently behind him.

I finally allowed the smile to fade from my face, feeling it slip away as if it were a tangible thing, and watched as it slid down my door. I closed my eyes and let the tears fall involuntarily, wondering why this was happening to me. Even with my eyes closed and all other senses temporarily shut off, I couldn't shake the feeling of unseen eyes upon me. The paranoia gripped me, making me anxiously look around my apartment, desperately seeking something, anything, or someone that could be the source of my unease.

But I couldn't find anything.

I let out a heavy sigh, took a step back, and collapsed onto my bed. The feeling of paranoia creeps in, but I know I can't continue like this for the remaining 5 months. I have to shake off this unease and prepare for work. I still have 30 minutes before I need to head out.

As I prepare for work, I slide into my trusty work clothes and gather my hair into a neat high bun. With my keys in hand, I step out and close the door behind me. A sense of nostalgia washes over me as I gaze at my 6-year-old Jeep, which has been with me since I first started driving. Despite the years, it continues to run smoothly and reliably, just like the day I first brought it home.

"I'm sorry I haven't been giving you attention, baby. It's just that mommy has been going through some things," I whisper to my beloved Jeep as I open the driver's side and start her up. I was surprised she even had gas.

Every morning, navigating through the traffic to get to work can be quite a challenge. Despite the 30-minute commute, I always make sure to arrive on time. Once I reach the cafe where I work, I step out of my car and make my way inside. The cafe is always bustling with activity, given its reputation as a popular spot.

As I made my way to the back of the cafe to clock in, hours later, I had served a considerable number of customers and received generous cash tips. However, as I approached my last customer, a strange sensation washed over me. It was an unsettling feeling as if there was an inexplicable but ominous pull towards him. It left me with an unusual sense of unease that lingered in the back of my mind.

"Enjoyed your break?" The man said with a smirk as if he knew something I didn't.

If only I listened to that unusual sense of unease


1124 Words

A/N: How do yall like it so far? I'll be updating you guys regularly so stay tuned! for more updates you may find info about it on my tiktok  liyahhsbook

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