Chapter 2

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"Determination becomes an obsession and then it becomes all that matters"


"I furrow my brows in confusion before speaking softly, 'I'm sorry, do I know you, sir?'"

The handsome gentleman flashed a charming smile before mocking an expression of pain. "Ouch, I visit this place every day, Tesoro, and you don't remember my name?" he teased in his resonant voice, punctuating his words with a deep chuckle.

"I don't -" I cut myself off as realization hits me. This man does indeed come to the shop every day I recall seeing his face a few times before I went on my little break, yet his name I couldn't quite remember.

"Angel Ferrara," he introduced, and as the words left his mouth, an icy sensation crawled down my spine, triggering an instinctual feeling that screamed 'DANGER.'

I send him a gentle half-smile before speaking. "Rosaline," I introduce myself, finishing the order he gave me and handing it to him.

"I know, it was lovely to meet you, Rosaline," he said softly, sending me his pearly white smile once more before turning and walking away. As he spoke my name, I felt a shiver run down my spine, leaving me with anticipation.

"Rosaline?" My boss's voice jolts me out of my reverie.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm sorry, I'll get back to work now," I rambled, feeling flustered as I hurried to the back to make the next order. Despite my best efforts, my mind just couldn't shake off the image of that man.


I finally finished up my last order, getting ready to clock out after cleaning a few tables.

As I reached for the keys to the cafe, I paused to take a deep breath before I locked up and made my way to my car. The darkness of the night seemed to envelop everything, casting long shadows and sending a shiver down my spine. My senses were on high alert, and I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over me, making everything seem more ominous than usual.

As I reached for the car keys and started the car, a sudden chill ran down my spine, freezing my entire body in place.

It wouldn't start.

I found myself in a terrifying situation where, in the past, I would have reacted with panic and fear. However, this time, I remained completely silent, realizing that any noise could put my life in danger as I suddenly became aware that there was someone else with me.

I close my eyes and let the tears silently fall while glancing at my rearview mirror. I caught a glimpse of the man's smirking face, but it was so dark that I couldn't exactly identify who he was.

"Rosaline, did you miss me? Because I missed you," the man's deep voice taunted. Before I could even utter a scream, he abruptly interrupted me by putting a knife to my throat.

"I advise against that, Rosaline. We wouldn't want me to harm that delicate throat of yours, now would we, darling?" He murmurs, gently caressing my cheek.

"Why are you doing this?" I manage to choke out, eliciting a deep chuckle from him.

He nonchalantly shrugged and gave a simple "I love you," I found myself furrowing my brows in confusion. I didn't even know this man. 

"I don't even know you," I pleaded, my voice trembling as I tried to free myself from his grip. "I think you have the wrong person, please let me go, sir," I said, letting out a small cry, but he was too strong; I struggled in his grip to no avail.

Stupid Rosaline,

His chest tightened as he released a heavy sigh, and then he reached into his pocket and produced a syringe. Filled with fear, I began to squirm even more, my panic rising.

"Keep moving and I'll have to inject this in you. Then it'll be lights out for you," he says calmly, pulling me out of the car and leading me toward his vehicle.

"HELP! Somebody please-" I begin to scream, but I get cut off by a stinging sensation in my neck luring me into sleep, but I don't let it, I begin to fight against the man's chest

"I warned you, baby. Don't worry; you'll be okay. The dosage isn't potent. You'll only be asleep for a few hours," he reassures me in a calm tone as he gently places me in the backseat and closes the door. This man is clearly unhinged.

As I struggled to keep my eyes open, I managed to slur, "Y-you're crazy," just before succumbing to the impending darkness of sleep. As the world faded to black, the chilling sound of the man's chuckle echoed in my ears.

"I'm not crazy, I'm just in love," he whispers

And everything fades to black.


776 words

A/N: How do yall like it so far? Thoughts on Angel? Don't worry there will be character development

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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