Chapter Nine

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"Hadley?!" Owen yelled from the other side of the wall. I could hear the mass amounts of panic that laced his voice, even though I couldn't see him. "Hadley! Are you okay?"

"Peachy," I said, pressing my back against the wall of debris. "Just peachy."

"We're gonna get you out of there," he yelled, frantically looking for a way out.

The Indominus stuck her head through the giant hole in the ceiling and poked her nose around, getting extremely close to me. I held my breath and looked away, wondering how I wasn't dead yet. The dinosaur let out a low growl and pulled her nose away. Just as I thought she was going to leave me alone, she opened her jaws and lunged for me.

At the last second, I rolled out of the way, curling up into a little ball and covering my head with my arms. The sound of the I-Rex crashing into the debris filled my ears, along with Owen's yells for me. My arms did nothing to protect my head as all of the heavy scrap metal and other crap fell on top of me, knocking me out.

In the darkness, I heard Owen and Claire calling for me, digging through the debris to try and find me. Everything was muffled and my head hurt like a bitch. I could still hear the menacing growls of the Indominus, so I could only guess that we were about to die.

The pounding in my head worsened as the noise of metal scraping against metal increased. I squeezed my eyes shut when the weight of the debris was lifted off of me, the light making my headache even worse.

"Hadley?" A deep voice questioned. Gentle hands brushed against my forehead and cheeks, wiping dust from my face. I cracked my eyes open and coughed, my throat filled with dust.

"Ugh," I choked, opening my eyes a bit more. Owen let out a breath and smiled slightly, cupping my face in his hands.

"Hi...Hi, baby," he whispered. I groaned and sat up slowly, holding a hand to my head. Owen helped me up, both of his hands keeping a strong grasp on my arms. "Come on, we gotta go."

I nodded, taking my gun from Owen and slinging it over my shoulder. The I-Rex seemed to be having problems trying to get to us, which gave us enough time to escape. The three of us ran from the building and into the large birdcage, Claire still in her heels. I could only wonder how she hadn't broken an ankle yet.

Behind us, the sound of the Indominus breaking through the remaining parts of the building could be heard. We kept running until we got out of the enclosure and back into the thick jungle, when the I-Rex stopped and turned around, forgetting about us. So we did the most illogical thing we could think of.

We followed her.

After running after her for a bit, we slowed down as Claire pulled out her phone to call the control center.

"Lowery, we found her," Claire said, her breathing heavy. "South of the Gyrosphere Valley, between the old park and the Aviary." Claire paused, listening to whatever Lowery was saying. I could only hear slight mumbling on the other side of the phone. "Yes. Get ACU out here. With real guns." Another pause and more muffled speech. "Who's flying it?"

Owen stopped jogging and pulled me off to the side while Claire talked, holding my face in his hands as his eyes scanned over me for any injuries.

"We need to get you somewhere safe," Owen said, his eyes finally meeting mine.

"Whoa whoa whoa," I said, putting a hand on his chest. "I got hit in the head, not shot. I'm fine."

"There's no way in hell I'm letting you come with and get hurt again," he argued, a stern look on his face, even though his eyes still showed relief.

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