Chapter Twelve

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"Where do we go?!" Gray squeaked when we reached a T in the hallway. Claire's eyes flicked to the left for a second before she moved.
"Come on," she ushered, starting off down the hall. Before we could get any further, Delta smashed through the glass walls and collapsed in front of us, scrambling to get up.
"No, no, no, go right!" I yelled, turning on my heel to run down the other hall and into the Innovation Center. As we ran, Gray touched a button on the holoscape pad, causing a holographic Dilophosaurus to appear and make Delta stop in her tracks to growl and snap at it.
    We burst through the large doors and quickly ran down the steps, only to be surrounded by three of our raptors. I sucked in a breath and closed my eyes for a moment, opening them again when Owen spoke.
    "That's how it is, huh?" He asked, looking at each of our raptors. They growled and began closing in, snapping at the six of us. Gray squeezed my right hand and hid behind me, his face pressed into my side. Owen gently set his gun down on the ground and raised his hand toward Blue slowly, just like he did in the cage.
    "Hey, Blue," he whispered. Blue snapped at him but didn't attack. "Easy, easy." Owen carefully moved his hand to the headgear on Blue, unbuckling it and dropping it on the ground. I smiled lightly, but it quickly disappeared when the Indominus Rex roared, its footsteps coming closer.
    "Owen, they might turn on us again," I whispered when Blue's head snapped in the direction of the call. Owen shushed me and slid his hand down my left wrist until out fingers were entwined.
    The Indominus stomped towards us, stopping only a few yards away with a low growl. She began making short noises that, much to my dismay, sounded just like those of a Velociraptor. My heartbeat quickened when Blue turned towards us again, blinking a few times before giving the little chirping sound that she gave when she was listening to Owen and I. I cracked a smile, squeezing Owen's hand lightly. Blue faced the huge dinosaur looming above us and screeched, crouching down in her hunting position. Before she could attack, she was quickly swept to the side and into a stone pillar with one brush of the Indominus' tail.
The other two raptors growled, baring their teeth. Owen gave a short whistle, sending our two raptors to attack. They lunged, jumping onto the Indominus, their claws and teeth sinking into her rough skin. She tried to shake them off, resulting in several buildings being destroyed and Zach and Nyla almost getting hit with her tail. I ushered everyone away from the dinosaurs and into the back corner of a somewhat safe shop, only then noticing that Owen wasn't at my side.
I searched the area until I found him firing at the Indominus, even though it didn't affect her the slightest.
"Owen!" I yelled, trying to gain his attention.
"Go back with Claire and the kids! I'll be fine!" He yelled back, keeping his eyes on the dinosaurs. I groaned and snuck back to the shop, turning just in time to see Owen duck behind a large piece of amber.
"We need more," Gray said from the corner, pulling my attention toward him. I furrowed my eyebrows and crouched next to him.
"More raptors?" I asked, running the back of my hand across my forehead, where beads of sweat had accumulated. "We only have the four. And I don't know where one of them is."
"Teeth," he stated, his blue eyes meeting mine. "We need more teeth."
My eyes widened in realization, as did Claire's. She stood up, taking a flare out of the emergency kit on the wall, obviously getting the same idea as me.
"Please keep them safe," she pleaded, turning to leave. I quickly grabbed her elbow and pulled her back before she could get out of my reach.
"No. You stay here with your nephews. They need you," I said, taking the flare from her hands. "It's better that I die doing this than you."
I hopped the counter and ran off towards the Tyrannosaurus Rex paddock before she could say more. I swiftly avoided the Indominus' tail, hurdling any debris in my way.
I slowed down a bit, my eyes finding Owen's wide ones.
"I'll be fine!" I replied, picking up my pace again. "Don't worry about me!"
When I neared the correct paddock, I pulled my radio from my belt and pressed the talk button.
"Lowery? Are you still there?" I asked breathlessly, then releasing the button.
"Yeah, where the hell are you?!" His staticky voice came through, wavering slightly.
"I need you to open paddock nine." I said, reaching the large doors.
"Paddock nine? Are you kidding?! Why do you need paddock nine open?"
"More teeth," I said, smiling at the thought of Gray's idea.
"You have got to be one of the craziest women I have ever met," Lowery said. I sighed and stared directly into the security camera in the corner.
"Lowery, for the love of God, you won't be able to meet any more women if you don't open the goddamn door!" I yelled into the radio. "Now open it!"
"Why'd you have to hit me with that one?" He muttered. The sound of buttons being pushed came through the radio as the large doors slowly slid open. I lit the flare, taking deep breaths to try and calm myself. Lumbering footsteps came closer to me until the T-Rex was in my sight.
"Hey, buddy," I muttered. "Let's go for a jog." I quickly turned on my heel and ran as fast as I could back to where the Indominus was, the T-Rex on my tail the whole time. When I reached the plaza, I chucked the flare at the Indominus Rex, then diving into the shop where Owen and the others were hiding. Owen pulled me into his side, checking me over for injuries.
"You're such a dumbass," he breathed, resting his hands on both sides of my face after he was done with my checkup.
"I learn from the best,"
The T-Rex and the Indominus both let out earsplitting roars, sizing each other up. Gray covered his ears and watched as the dinosaurs began to fight, snapping at each others throats. The T-Rex stumbled, crashing into the shop that we were in. A wall and half of the roof collapsed on top of us, with a clawed foot following. I managed to move out of the way of the foot, but a razor sharp claw connected with my side. Had I been any closer, I would've been a shish kabob. I clenched my teeth, holding in a scream while Owen pulled everyone out of the debris. Looking down, the claw had left a decent-sized gash from the middle of my ribs down to my waist. I quickly covered it to keep Owen from seeing and to slow the blood flow down before I ran out of the shop with the rest of the group.
We piled behind the Brontosaurus exhibit, watching as the Indominus bent down to finish off the T-Rex. Before she could deliver the fatal bite to the other dinosaur's throat, Blue appeared and jumped onto the I-Rex's face, giving the T-Rex enough time to get up and push the Indominus straight towards us.
We scrambled away and ran through the shops and out to the area by the Mosasaur pool. The T-Rex threw the Indominus down, and before she could attack again, the Mosasaur jumped out of the pool and secured its jaws around the Indominus Rex's neck, dragging her down into the water.
We all watched in shock as the T-Rex said a silent thank you to Blue and walked away. I slowly pulled away from the pillar I was hiding behind and moved towards Blue, Owen following closely behind.
"Hadley, be careful," he warned. I shook it off and reached my hand out, gently touching the rough skin on Blue's nose. She nuzzled into my touch, making a sound that almost sounded like purring.
"Thank you, Blue," I whispered, smiling softly before dropping my hand. Blue chirped and looked at Owen for a moment before running off towards the jungle.
"It's over now, right?" Nyla asked from behind Zach.
"Yeah. It's done. We're okay," Claire sighed, running her hand through Gray's hair.
I swayed a bit, the loss of blood beginning to take its toll on my body. I held a hand to my head and closed my eyes, grabbing for Owen's arm.
"Hadley? What's wrong?" Owen asked, holding me steady. I slowly peeled back my jacket and tee to show Owen the large bloody gash that was on my left side. "Why didn't you say anything?!"
"Cause I was fine then," I slurred, my vision becoming blurry. Owen scooped me up in his arms and carried me back to the evacuation point, Claire and the kids following directly behind.

The next morning, after I'd received medical treatment for my side, everyone on the island was evacuated and sent to an airport off of the island. Cots, blankets, and pillows were set up everywhere inside a spare airplane hangar, where hundreds of people sat and waited for their families. Volunteers handed out water bottles, granola bars, and fresh clothes to everyone while on-scene doctors and nurses tended to people's injuries.
    Owen sat next to me while I lied on a cot with a blanket draped over my legs and stomach. Claire and her nephews sat a few cots down, waiting for Zach and Gray's parents. Nyla had found her mom and was sitting with her across from Zach.
    The huge gash on my side needed too many stitches to count, and I was ordered to lie down and reduce my movement to avoid ripping the sutures open. Owen was gently running his fingers through my hair, picking out any debris that had managed to get tangled in it. The soft tugging was enough to make me forget about the pain in my side and put me to sleep partially.
    "You know, I'm extremely lucky to have you still," Owen said, his eyes focused on a couple that was walking towards Claire and the boys. I cracked my eyes open and watched as the woman started crying and hugged Gray, the man pulling Zach into his arms. I switched my gaze to Owen, watching him carefully.
    "Whys that?" I asked quietly, reaching over to grab Owen's hand. "Because I'm a little accident prone?"
    Owen chuckled lightly and shook his head. "Yeah, that's kinda why. But I'm glad you're okay."
    I smiled and looked back over to Claire, who was hugging the woman. She looked over to me and smiled lightly before turning back to her family.
    "So, now that this is over, what are we gonna do?" I asked, playing with Owen's fingers absentmindedly.
    "Well, since you can't seem to keep from getting hurt, you should probably stick with me for a while," he said, giving me a sideways smirk. I laughed lightly, ignoring the aching in my side. "Maybe for a long while?"
    "Oh, I don't think I could handle spending every day with you," I joked, bringing his hand up to press it against my cheek, leaning into his touch.
    "Oh, I think you could."

Okay! This is the final chapter of the book! I'm thinking about adding a final final chapter just to tie it all off? I hope you all enjoyed this! I'm sad that it's over but I'm also really happy that I made it through😭 I'll be going back through each chapter to edit things and round off the story though!

Would you want me to write a sequel?? It would just be based off of an idea that I've had in my head for a while. If you want me to start a sequel I'd be happy to! Just let me know!

Don't forget to vote and comment! It really helps me out. Thank you to all of my readers that commented and voted and supported me through writing this! You're all AMAZING and I couldn't have asked for better readers. Thank you so much❤️ please let me know if you want a sequel and if there's anything I need to correct in this chapter. Again, thank you so much for reading. I love you all❤️

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