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A/N Sorry for the long wait, I went to warped tour and had a two day setback from writing & then I had a writers block ughhh but fortunately I'm back on track now

The next day couldn't come fast enough. It was the weekend, so I was finally able to sleep in and relax after a hard week of schoolwork and stress. Although, I didn't really sleep much considering the nervous excitement constantly surfacing in my mind about Vic all night.

Take now, for instance. I was sitting on the couch whilst engaging in the simple act of eating cereal while watching TV, yet I still couldn't get him out of my head. And to add to my happiness, Alex had deposited my weekly check into my bank account this morning, meaning I was secure for the rent and bills for the rest of the week.

I felt like I was on top of the world. In a few hours, I would be visited by a hot guy who made me feel like nobody else did, the only guy who I was willing to let my guard down for. I felt a sense of accomplishment in that. It was like I had overcome my fear of having the roles switched in bed, which sometimes sat well with me and sometimes didn't. Luckily, right now it was on the sitting-well side.

My only concern was about my job. What if I got so used to being submissive with Vic that, by the end of the week when Friday came along, I ended up forgetting my sexy, dominating persona? It wouldn't really be a big deal unless I felt uncomfortable doing the sub thing with other people. Then it would be a problem, since my comfort was the first priority in this business.

The TV in front of me was permanently trapped on channel 13 seeing as I couldn't afford Netflix, or a cable box for that matter. I watched the white, possibly homophobic, white woman talk mindlessly about politics and other boring content. It was either this channel or Cartoon Network, and I really wasn't in the mood for Adventure Time.

I blankly stared at the screen, eventually finishing my cereal and cleaning up.

By the time I had finished washing the dishes in the kitchen and plopped back down on the couch, my phone was lighting up and vibrating. I went to pick it up, nervous about what had made the screen turn on.

From Vic: I'll be there later tonight. Don't miss me too much ;)

I suddenly noticed that he was a heavy user of the winking emoji, but I was too busy thinking about the content of the text to care.


7:00 PM. After a wasted day of binge-watching Regular Show and napping, I was bored out of my mind. The act of laying in bed and watching YouTube videos on my phone, like I was doing now, didn't really help my situation.

I had rejected Tay's offer for me to come over since I was expecting Vic, and I didn't want my apartment to be empty when he got here. Also, I was just genuinely looking forward to tonight way too much. I thought that maybe, through blowing him, I would be able to unravel my dominant nature once again.

Just as Onision had begun to talk about the male g-spot on my small phone-screen, I heard the door opening from downstairs. I had left it unlocked to avoid the awkward getting-the-door scenario. I immediately stopped the video, almost positive that it would be Vic at the door.

I heard a few footsteps and my nerves suddenly arose once again. It was like they were ruthless when it came to him. No matter how much I denied them, they always made themselves evident.

I set the phone down on my bedside table, closing out the YouTube app and pulling the blankets off of me. I sat up and moved over to the edge of my bed, facing the door, patiently waiting in my boxers.

I was going to dominate him today. No monkey business: it was now or never. I'd use my porcelain skin and my bare aura to seduce him and, in turn, make him mine. Not the other way around.

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