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Suicidal trigger warning

Vic's P.O.V.
"The school called. They said you were suspended for sexual activity on school grounds," she said. "Were you?"

She was menacing. Her voice was frightening. "Yes, m'aam."

"And is that something you should be proud of?" She stepped closer.

"No, m'aam." I was scared. She usually didn't care about me getting in trouble. But lately she had been caring a lot more.

She stepped forward. Please, not this again. She was supposed to be sorry, she had said she wouldn't do it again. And not to mention, I was grounded. There was no escape. Right after getting my frustrations out, they were going to be reintroduced. "Maybe next time, you'll think twice before making the wrong decisions," she seethed.

And then it began.

Kellin's P.O.V.
Today was Friday, a few days after the closet mishap. After we had gotten caught by the janitor (who inevitably ratted us out), I stopped talking to Vic. Needless to say, I was extremely embarrassed.

Word got around the school, so the past few days were complete torture for me. On the other hand, Vic's reputation wasn't that damaged, since he was somewhat known for fucking anybody regardless of gender.

My reputation, however, had a small dent in it by now. Most people didn't really care about me anyway, but those who did pay attention to my life thought I was evil for getting fucked by my best friend's brother.

Tay had tried to tell people that she was fine with it, but they still thought I was scum. I was just glad that they found out about that rather than my job. That would've been an even bigger catastrophe, seeing as even the people who didn't know me would see me as "that gay porn kid". And I definitely didn't want that.

Tay had assured me that her mother didn't know it was me who got caught with Vic, and I was thankful for the fact that both he and Tay agreed to keep it a secret from their mom.

Although I shouldn't have been, I was quite angry with Vic. He seemed to be acting as if nothing had happened, as if he didn't just cause me a week-long suspension that would set me way back in my chemistry work. I would definitely fail the class by the end of the year now, at this rate. It was all because of him. He was the one who lured me into skipping class, so ultimately everything was his fault. I had only agreed to it because he seduced me.

For the past few days, he had seemed to be acting completely normal at school, maintaining his naturally cool aura while I suffered from strange looks and gossip against me. He had tried to text me many times, he even called me once, but I ignored him. I didn't want to talk to him for a long time, since he essentially ruined my chances of passing the only class I was failing.

Besides, I had a shoot today. I didn't want his asshole-self to infiltrate my thoughts when I went to work.

I didn't care about how sweet he had acted or how good he made me feel. He messed with my academic success and reputation, and those were things I didn't take lightly.

Now, I was sitting alone on the couch, waiting for Tay to come and pick me up. She was supposed to be here in five minutes. So far, the past few days had been boring as hell since I essentially couldn't go anywhere without my bike. My shoot was going to be the highlight of those days.

As I watched an infomercial about toothbrush holders, my phone started ringing.

Slightly startled, I reached into my pocket and pulled it out. It was Tay, probably checking to make sure I was ready to go. My finger hovered over the screen, tapping the green icon.

Chemistry ж Kellic (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now