Star Trek: Strange New Worlds... "Spiff's Rift..." Part XI...

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds... "Spiff's Rift..."

Summary: Spaceman Spiff takes on the crew of the Enterprise...

Note: After a recent Calvin and Hobbes meme, I just had to...

Part XI...

"Mom!!" Calvin...Real Calvin, in his trademark T-shirt, neither Spiff in primitive disguise nor Calvin Calvin, ace reporter...Slamming front door, Hobbes in reluctant tow.

Mom, annoyed, emerging from kitchen... "I've told you not to slam that door when you come home, Calvin!"

"'Don't leave it open. Don't close it too hard.' Gotta make up your mind, Mom. But actually it's a question on the fickle female brain that I got for you right now."

Fickle...? She eyed him.

Hmmn...I need to speak to Dad tonight.

On the other hand...Slight grin...

My boy is asking about girls...

Oh, no...No! Too young, much, much, much too young!

Still...If I remember right...His dad and I...Repressed grin.

"Does this have anything to do with Susie Derkins?" she asked.

"Or maybe that new teacher of yours, Ms. Singh?"

"Susie!!!?" Calvin, horrified. "Gosh, no! No!"

On the other hand...How'd she perceive it as to Singh? Could there be a conspiracy at work here? Suspicious regard.

Oh...Well, good...But...Oh....She thought.

Hmmn...Well then...

"So, it's the teacher, eh?" she asked.

And too young there as well...Even if it is cute.

And he's asking...Me.

Hmmn...Calvin frowned. This seems suspicious.

Still, it's possible she simply followed logic...Science office Hobbes noted solemnly. Ms. Singh is your homeroom teacher.


Come, logic wins again, Hobbes a bit archly.

Very...Well. We shall try her.

"I need help, Mom. Spaceman Spiff needs help. This alien menace must be stopped!"

"Calvin? Your teacher is not an alien...And please be respectful enough of her not to ever call her that in class."

Nor go around mentioning Spaceman Spiff to the kids in your class, for your sake, honey...

"Think I'm crazy? She'd vaporize me."

If that were my only worry...She thought. But that's years from now...God willing.

"Will ya help me or no, Mom?"

Probably should've asked Tracer to beat the dope out of her. But, he's caved to Singh's cookies anyway.

"Fine, ok...So long as you don't insult your teacher. Who seems very nice by the way? I saw her yesterday afternoon in the grocery and..."

"What?! Mom! She's trying to get to you to get the dope on me! Preparing to snatch me to take me to her future."

"Really?" she eyed him. "Tell me more..."

His imagination can be fascinating at times...But just imagination, too young for this sort of thing yet...And she was nice.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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