Chapter 16

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Her eyes got widened and teary after hearing his words and her face became red due to anger and she pushed him back and said in a loud voice ...

Y/n: How dare you said this huh??? This will never happen !!!

He glared in her eyes and said in a loud voice making her flinch

Taehyung: And till when you'll be able to stop me huh???

Y/n: I'll die but never let you touch me Taehyung!!!

Taehyung: The day I lost my control..... you can't even imagine what will happen that day Y/n!!!

He hit the vase of the side table hard in anger and it fell down breaking into pieces and stormed out of the room

She screamed loudly crying from behind...

Y/n:  Don't come back !!! I hate you Taehyung !!! I hate you!!!

He heard her words while stepping out of the mansion

He decided to go to Jungkook as he was the only one whom he considered his best friend who helped him in his highs and lows and then he picked him up from his house and they both went on the seaside where they always used to go.....

Jungkook: Now what happened??? Is everything alright Taehyung???

Taehyung: Nothing's alright !!! Since our marriage things are just getting worse !!!

Jungkook: Why??? Is she still in contact with Jungwon or what???

Taehyung: No she doesn't even have her phone with her !!! But she isn't behaving well with me since our marriage Jungkook!!! Looks like she herself don't want to give me a chance !!!

He came close to him and patted his back to give him some comfort and said

Jungkook: Its ok bro!!! You should give her time !!! She is also a human and she needs time !!! Do the things which make her happy!!! Take her shopping,cook for her,take her on long drives and whatever it takes to make her happy and normal!!!

He was quietly listening to him and nodded

Jungkook: Trust me bro!!! Just give her some time and then everything will be alright!!! I am sure this marriage will work!!!

Taehyung forced a smile on his face and hugged him tightly as he was the only one who could comfort him not even his own parents and then he dropped him at his home and went back to his mansion

It was already midnight

He came inside the room and saw she was sleeping on the couch while her face was covered by her hair so he went closer to her and sat down infront of her on the floor and slowly removed her hairs from her face with his fingers and saw that her face was red and her eyes were swollen due to crying.He carresed her face with his fingers and said

Taehyung: Why do you do this huh??? Why do you not give me a chance ???......... One chance !!! Give me one chance and see what I can do for you Y/n!!!

His voice was lower more like a whisper as he didn't want to wake her up.He saw that she was uncomfortable on the couch and was continuously changing positions so he picked her up in his arms bridal style and laid her down on the bed.Then he changed his clothes and removed his shirt as he always slept shirtless and wore trousers.Then he closed the lights and laid down facing her.He was just admiring her beautiful face while the moonlight from the window on her face was making her even more attractive.He didn't know when he drifted off in a deep sleep.......


Y/n's POV:
I woke up,opened my eyes and noticed that I was on the bed and he was beside me but as far as I remember I had slept on the couch last night.I shifted myself on the bed and saw that he was already awake and was using his phone laying on the bed.

Y/n: How did I end up here???

He didn't look at her and his eyes were still on the phone and he replied

Taehyung: You were uncomfortable on the couch that's why I had to bring you on the bed.Don't get me wrong !!!

She sighed and then got off the bed and stood on the floor infront of the mirror and started untieng her hairs open.He then shifted his gaze from his phone on her and suddenly his gaze landed on her back and his eyes widened....

He fake coughed to steal her attention but she didn't notice him so he had to call her

Taehyung: Uhh........Y/n!!!

She turned back to face him and signalled him what

Taehyung: Umm..... it's.... that.....

Y/n: What is it ??? Say it and don't waste my time!!!

He bit his lower lip and then got off the bed and took steps closer to her until he was inches away from her and was towering behind her,her heart started beating faster as he turned her back so that her face was facing him,she looked in his eyes and then he signalled her to look behind and as she turned back to see in the mirror,she saw a big stain on her frock and her eyes widened and she got embarrassed

Then he looked at her but she was looking down so he smiled and lifted her chin up so that her eyes were meeting his and then he said

Taehyung: Its natural Y/n!!! What's so embarrassing about it huh???

She broke eye contact and then she adjusted her frock and said

Y/n: Now will you go out from here or I even need your permission to change ???

He smiled and said

Taehyung: You can never talk nicely with me right???

On which she rolled her eyes and was still waiting for him to go

Taehyung: Ok ok I am leaving !!! I had already freshened up when you were asleep as I woke up early.You take your time!!!

He then smiled at her then left from there and she locked the door and went to check the bedsheet and it was also stained so she first changed the bedsheet and then she realized that she didn't have any supplies with her there and was thinking what to do just then the door knocked and she went to answer the door and saw a maid came with some shoppers

Y/n: What is all this???

Maid: Sir has sent all of this for you Ma'am!!!

She got shocked seeing the amount of shoppers and then she took those from the maid

Maid: Sir is waiting for you downstairs for breakfast Ma'am!!!

She nodded and then the maid left from there and she closed the door and then she opened the shoppers and she was surprised to see all of that,there were so many sanitary items,with a lot of chocolates and painkillers.A smile appeared on her lips but then she shook it away and changed into clean and comfy shirt and trousers and then went downstairs...

She saw he was waiting for her on the dining table and the table was set with a vast variety of food items and fruits.He then signalled her to sir beside him and then first she hesitated a bit but then sat beside him and they both started doing breakfast.He broke the silence

Taehyung: Be ready after doing breakfast!!! We'll spent our whole day out today as it's Saturday and I'll not go to office !!!


Hey armies!!! How was this part ??? Do tell me in the comments section and yeah don't forget to vote this part as  then I'll consider that you guys want next part or comment down and write next part then I'll upload next part of this book!!!

Till then love you armies 💜 💜 💜

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