Chapter 35

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He slowly opened his eyes by the sounds of someone talking to each other near him but felt a lil pain in his body as now he was completely out of the effect of alcohol.He felt someone checking his temperature and pulse rate and it was a nurse while he saw Jungkook standing at some distance from his bed and staring him with sharp eyes while his face was serious while the doctor was saying something to him on which he was just simply nodding as his whole attention was on him.He broke the eye contact from him and looked away and then realized that he was in a hospital room.He definitely realized what might had happened with him last night and why is he here in a hospital.He then saw the doctor going out of the room and closing the door behind him leaving Jungkook there while he was still standing there crossing his arms looking at him pressing his lips into a thin line on which he finally broke the silence.

Taehyung: I'

He cut him in between

Jungkook: Just stop this already ok!!! I don't wanna hear all of this again Taehyung!!!

He sighed and saw that he was very angry which was surely telling him that something serious had happened last night which made him this angry.He spoke in a loud voice

Jungkook: You could have died if me and Sana hadn't reached on time damn it!!!

He was looking down on his hands which were full of patches of bandages and canolas making Jungkook feel like he was talking to himself.He came beside him and held his hand gently

Jungkook: Don't do this please!!! You both will be together again as your love was always true and you know it!!! We will surely found those motherfuckers soon but till then you have to be patient Taehyung!!!

He nodded and forced a smile on his face when Jungkook squeezed his hand........

Two months passed,

She was sitting on the bed carresing her stomach looking at the bed with lost eyes.

She was present there but she was also not present there at the same time.

Her eyes were hardly opening as she had been crying all night,she finally read those remaining letters of him on her phone which made her cry and miss him even more.She badly wanted to go to him,hug him,kiss him,have him in her arms,tell him that she was pregnant with his baby but she couldn't.Some part of her still didn't believe that he had killed her parents but how could she erase the fact that she herself saw him do so.But now she was thinking about some more time things which were making her more curious.

Who was the person who called her that day???

How did he get her number???

How did he knew that her husband was Kim Taehyung???

Who he actually was???

Was he also involved in all this???

And if he was,so why didn't he called her after that day???

Her baby bump was still not visible and she was worried about it but after googling and discussing it with Daisy,she got to know that the bump becomes visible after 5 months.She was atheist just like Taehyung but still started praying everyday to find the truth whether Taehyung was right or wrong because she was feeling an unknown guilt in her heart since that day and she didn't know why she was feeling it.

Her nights were restless,sleepless just like him.They both were experiencing the same feeling.



Yes Sana??? Did you find anything???

We're close to them!!! We're really close.

That's great!!! Looks like I should prepare myself.

For what???

For giving those bastards a nice lesson!!! A lesson they will never be able to forget.



They are not a group!!


He is a single person!!!

Did you find out who is he???

Sadly no but we'll soon!!!

Ok then!!! Thankyou for everything Sana!!! I'm blessed to have friends like you and Jeon!!!

Hey... Don't say that!!! Friends don't thank eachother!!! Byeeee!!! Take care.

He smiled and cut the call.He was standing in the balcony of his room with a cup of tea in his hand.He was looking at the dark sky while the cool breeze was touching his face and then he took sips of his tea gradually.

I can find out right now where you are but I won't!!! I am leaving this matter on my fate.....

Cuz I know you're in my fate and no one can seperate you from one!!!

We will be together again!!! Soon....

I miss you Y/n!!! I miss you so much!!!

He felt tears in his eyes.......


2 weeks passed,

Daisy: Y/n??? Honey??? You're not doing your breakfast properly my child???

She looked up from her plate and shook her head and assured her

Y/n: I am doing it property Ajumma!!! I was just not feeling like eating anything this morning!!!

Daisy: It happens in this condition but you should eat for your baby!!! You want a healthy baby or not???

She was serious but the mention of her baby from daisy's mouth made a smile came on her face unwillingly.

She nodded and continued eating but this was not the truth.Her heart was not feeling well and she felt like something wrong was going to happen which was making her heart beat rise.She was scared and confused at the same time but didn't tell daisy as she didn't wanted to make her worry.After doing her breakfast,she was laying down in her room upstairs thinking about him which she always did.Her thoughts disrupted on the sound of a call and she picked up her phone to see who it was as she rarely got calls since that incident.She got even more confused when she saw that the caller I'd was unknown.She again got confused between picking the call or not but then she picked up the call after sometime.She froze at that moment hearing the voice.....

"Congratulations on your pregnancy!!!"

Hey armies I hope you liked this chapter so don't forget to vote for the next chapter and yeah don't forget to comment down below your opinion and don't become silent readers.

Will meet you in the next chapter

Till then bye bye💜💜💜

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