Chapter 2

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"Athena what in the name of your father happened?" Hades asked, when he and Apollo had gotten to the castle he was informed that Mal had fainted.

"I accidentally let slip that Mal, Evie and Uma are related. Which overwhelmed her and caused her to faint." Athena recalled.

"Damn. So we just have to wait until she wakes up and I'll have to explain everything to her." Hades said.

Then Mal slowly started to wake up. "Is the baby okay?"

"Wait what?" Hades said.

At the same time Ben said. "I beg your pardon?"

"I'm pregnant." Mal replied. "I took a test and then did a spell to confirm it."

"Someone get Fairy Godmother NOW!" Ben ordered. "Holy crap, I'm going to be a dad."

"And I'm going to be a grandfather. Hades said. " Καλέστε τη Nyx, θα χρειαστούμε τη βοήθειά της." He said to Apollo.

Then Evie ran in. " what happened?" She asked

Hades chuckled. "Short version. That's your father." He said pointing to Apollo. "He's my nephew, which means you and Mal are first cousins once removed and you and Uma are second cousins I think. And she's pregnant."

Evie just stood there in silence. "Okay first of all hi dad, second of all me, Mal and Uma are all cousins, and Mal is having a baby."

"Pretty much." Mal said.

Then Hades got serious. "Girls there is something we need to talk about."

" oh gods what revolution are you going to dump on us now?" Mal said sarcastically.

"You two as well as Uma are immortal, you can still die like a human, However the only way you will stay dead is if; you are killed by someone embedded with god magic and if  your head or your heart is removed from your body." Hades explained. " that's because you are Demi-Goddesses. Me, Apollo,Athena and the rest of the Gods can only be killed by god Magic."

"Holy mother of goodness." Evie said.

Then Fairy godmother came in. "What's going on, I was told it was high priority?" She asked.

"The queen is pregnant." Evie replied.

"By Athena's will, congratulations." Fairy Godmother said beaming with excitement.

"I hate to break it to you love, but I had nothing to do with this." Athena smiled

"Hades what's going on?" Fairy Godmother asked very confused.

"By my brother's annoyingly amazing beard, am I going to have to explain this every time someone comes in? Hades asked. "That's my Nephew and Niece. Apollo and Athena. They are gods. Apollo is Evie's father. Which means Mal and Evie are cousins along with Uma because of her grandfather. Anything else." Hades said. "Sorry I'm a little stressed I only just found out about the pregnancy."

"Apologies accepted." Fairy godmother said pointing her wand at Mal's belly and muttering a spell. "Completely fine. I recommend a lot of rest for 2 weeks, Hades I'd recommend holding off on any more introductions for the same period."

"With respect, there is one more introduction, I would like to make. Mal's Godmother, Nyx." Hades said. "I give you my word apart from her no other introductions."

"Very well." Fairy godmother replied. "But you better keep your word."

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