I hate that I let this drag on so long, you can go to hell.

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They say love finds you when you least expect it. Well, they were right about that. Except, it found me in a way I never imagined-sweeping me off my feet only to drop me into a reality I wasn't prepared for.

"Are you coming to Tina's party with us? It'll be fun, and honestly, you've been buried in work forever. Live a little, Char," Heidi pleaded with a convincing smile.

"Alright, but promise we'll be back by 11," I bargained.

"Come on, you're not 15 anymore," she teased.

"Heidi, I have an early morning tomorrow."

"Oh shut up, you 9 to 5 woman. We're going home at 3. Deal. I'll pick you up okay? Wear something nice." was the last thing she said before she left.

At the party, I found myself standing alone, nursing a drink in a corner while Heidi danced energetically across the room. She seemed to know everyone there, leaving me feeling a bit like an outsider.

But strangely, I wasn't uncomfortable. In fact, it was rather nice. I relished the solitude, finding a quiet pleasure in observing the lively scene around me.

"Why aren't you on the dance floor? The music's great," a voice interrupted my thoughts, and I turned to see a woman standing beside me, effortlessly cool in a denim jacket over a white tee.

I was stunned. The pull that I felt right after U laid my eyes on her was something that should've bothered me, but it didn't.

She had a playful grin, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

I chuckled softly, caught off guard by her sudden presence and the boldness of her approach. "I'm more of a spectator tonight," I replied, taking a sip of my drink to compose myself.

"A spectator, huh? Well, I could use a partner in crime for a dance or two," she quipped, stepping closer to me.

Her confidence was magnetic, and despite my usual reservations, I found myself intrigued. "I'm Charlotte," I introduced myself, offering a small smile.

"Engfa," she replied, extending her hand. Her touch was warm, sending a subtle jolt through me.

Engfa had an easy charm about her, effortlessly drawing me into conversation as if we had known each other for ages. We exchanged stories, jokes, and playful banter that seemed to dance between us like the flickering lights above.

I couldn't deny the pull. So when she asked me to finally get out of there, I didn't resist.

As I followed Engfa out of the crowded party, I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. I had never been one to indulge in casual encounters, but there was something about Engfa that made me want to throw caution to the wind.

We walked in silence for a few minutes, the cool night air providing a refreshing contrast to the stuffy party we had just left. Suddenly, Engfa stopped and turned to face me. The streetlight behind her cast a warm glow on her face, illuminating her gorgeous, ethereal features and her eyes that seemed to convey something.

Before I knew what was happening, Engfa's lips were on mine, and I was lost in a whirlwind of desire. Her hands roamed my body, sending shivers down my spine as she pulled me closer. I could feel the heat radiating off her body, and I reveled in the feeling of her surprisingly strong arms around me.

We stumbled our way to a nearby hotel, our lips never breaking contact. Once we reached the room, Engfa wasted no time in undressing me, her fingers deftly unfastening my buttons and slipping off my dress.

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