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Anna's pov:
It's been a week since i am in hospital. I haven't slept properly. Sophie and luke insisted me to rest or leave Zach's side for a minute. But i refused. I didn't ate the whole week and i don't feel hungry at all. I just want Zach to wakeup. I want him to open his eyes. I know he will shout at me. He will never like my presence but something was stopping me everytime i wanted to go. I think it's zach's face. I don't fucking know what he has done to me.
I am noticing Zach's every feature. He has pink lips. They were looking so fresh and juicy. I stared them for a bit longer.  I finally looked at his hairs. They were a mess. I ran my hands through his messy brown hairs. I moved my gaze to his eyes. He had pure blue eyes. Wait.. WHAT?
"W..when did you woke up?"
"When you were staring my lips" He said with seductive yet intense voice.
And that's when i notice that i dipped my lips into his. He kissed me back which i thought would never happen. I missed him so much.
Someone coughed and we quickly broke out.
"Seems like love birds are back"  luke said.
I blushed. I can see a smirk forming on zach's face.
They both hugged him and took their time chatting.
"Okay so now i think Anna can eat and sleep. You know what Zach? She haven't even touched food for the past one week"
Sophie said.
"And yeah she never left your side even for even sleep" luke added. I gave both of them by deathly glare. If looks could kill they have been on the ground.
Can't they keep their stupid mouth shut. I already have many problems to deal with. Fuck them!
"Looks like they need their privacy. Comeon hun we should get going now". Luke said with a huge grin on his face.
They both left.
I looked towards Zach who gave me a worried expression. For what? My eating and sleeping? Fuck that! I should be the one giving him that expressions. When did the roles switch?
He let out a sigh.
"Anna... promise me something?"
What it could be now.
"What is it Zach?"
He eyed me worriedly again.
"No matter what happens you will eat properly. It's not good for your health. Look at you. You are looking so pale"

Wait what? Is he stupid or what? Can't he see his condition? He could have die! I should be the one lecturing. Why are we switching roles again and again!
"Okay" i huffed.
Just as i was about to lecture him, the docter came in. Yes! Noone can let me lecture him. Something has to happen. It looks like i will never get a chance to scold him about what he did. He just fucking risked his life. Can he be fucking more serious about these issues?
I looked at the docter who nodded and left. I don't know what they talked about.
"Lunch?" He asked me.
"But what about you? You need to rest. Docter will not allow"
Yes yes good going Anna.
"Didn't you listened what the docter just said?"
I nod my head in a no.
"Well... he said that i am fine now. And i can leave the hospital whenever i feel it's good'
Ohh... i missed it.
I wanted every thing to be normal. I know zach would want the answers for why i left him.
Okay Anna that's it! First you wanted to scold him and suddenly you wanted everything to be normal. I didn't know i change my moods this fast. But it was not the time to think about all this stuff. Okay. What should i do now. Plan A i should tell him the truth and see his reaction. Hmm
..what about plan B? But there is no fucking plan B. He will need his fucking answers sooner or later so its fucking better if i tell him fucking now. Okay Anna you can fucking do it.
I know i curse alot when i am nervous or angry. And i am fucking nervous.
We went inside a cozy resturant. We sat there and offered our food.
I decided that i will tell him. I will deal will the consequences. It has to happen after all. So why not right now?
He said. His eyes never left my side.
I took deep breath.
"Don't you wanna know why i left you?"
I said looking on the floor. Shame, guilt was all i felt.
"Look in to my eyes" he said.
I looked into his eyes that were shining.
"I know Anna.."
Before he can continue i cut him off
"What? You know?" The only person that knew this was sophie. I wanted to kill her. But on the other side i was thankful to her that she made it easy for me.
"I know that you were not ready for all of that. I should have known. It was a bit too early for all the things. I mean we just got to know each other and... i am so stupid."
Wha the hell? No no no. This is not the reason at all. I looked at the floor. Oh God! Where am i stucked? I think i should let him believe this. If he got to know the truth he will never.. like never ever like me.
I got all strength to look up at him.
I nodded with a yes.

Zach's pov:
I know she isnt in the condition to look up. Why is guilt and shame all over her face. Is it beacuse she thought that she has hurt me alot. Yes that was ture. But i didn't wanted her to feel bad.  Her smile is the biggest thing that makes my day. Her smile makes her look more beautiful. When ever she laughs, it's like an award to me. Award to make her happy. It's the biggest award. I love to kiss her.  It's like my life depends on her kiss. Just one kiss and it cherishes my every moment.  I hate to see her like this. It breaks me inside. It feels like i am a big looser. I want to make her happy. I wanted her to know that she should forget the past now. Maybe i will take her to something peaceful and good. That would clear her mind.  Maybe we can go to a beach. I wanted it to be alone. Just me and her. But i know she will hesitate. Hmm.. So how about luke and sophie also join in? i will drop her home and give a call to luke. He will inform sophie and she will tell Anna. She again looked up at me and nodded a yes. Does she know what i am thinkimg about? No! She just nodded a yes to confirm me i was right about guessing why she left me. It was the only reason i can think about. And yes my guess was right. Well congrats then Zach. But her eyes told a different story. She was definetly hiding something from me. And it was Big. What could it be about? Is it something related of her leaving me? I don't think so. As she would have let me know if it was. But may be it could be something related to this issue. I needed to know. I wanted her to tell me everything. I wanted to be with her in her good and especially bad times. But before i can get that thing out of her mouth, i needed to gain her trust. I know that was not that easy. Gaining trust of a girl was not that simple, especially a girl like Anna. She is so stubborn.

Sophie's pov:
I take a glance at the men sitting beside me. Ohh... i love this man so much. He looks so gorgeous while driving. After Zach's accident i think he is more careful. He is concentrating hard on the road. His lips are so pink and full.
"Sophie... stop staring like that or we will get in to an accident" he said not removing his gaze from the road. I blushed hard. I can see a smirk forming on his lips.
Ahh this man.
Finally we reached at my appartment. He being the gentleman opened the car door for me.
I got out of the car and i can see his gaze on me.
"Goodbye luke and thanks for the ride" i said giving a peck on his lips.
I started walking when someone grabbed my arm and pushed me towards him.
"And where do you think you are going"
I know it would be luke. I  Inhailed his musculine scent. He smelled so amazing. I have kissed many guys unlike Anna. She always wanted to give her first kiss to a person that she loves. Duh... luke was different from every guy. I never felt this way. When ever he touched me i felt electic shocks.
I looked up to see luke. Before i can say anything he smashed his lips into mine. It was an intense and a powerful kiss. He entered my mouth and soon our tounges collided. I felt more electric shocks.  In my mind there was nothing except for the word "luke"
I felt butterflies in my stomuch. I know if it continued we will end up in bed. And i don't want it right now.
Soon i broke up the kiss. My heart was beating very fast. So was his.. i guess. We stared at each other for a moment. I gave him a knowing look. He looked at my face for a minute searching for his answers. He gave me iunderstand kind of look. I smiled at him and said goodbye under my breath. I walked into my appartment. I can still see his gaze on me. I opened my door and muttered a bye.
I love the way he understands me. He can tell what i am thinking only by looking in my eyes. Wow... was he a mind reader? Haha ofcourse not stupid.
He winked at me and left.
I went inside and grabbed a bag of chips. I know i had lunch with him but i needed something to pass my time. And eating something was always the best idea. I know i can get fat.. oh no i shouldn't eat it. But they are so crispy and yumm... i cannot resist them. Just one bag if chips won't harm.
Oh boy i cannot wait to tell this to Anna. I miss her so much. It's been a long time since we had no girl time.
I hope her problems with Zach are also solved. I am so worried  about her. She should tell him the truth. I sighed. I cannot wait till Anna comes home.

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