Girls night.

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Sophie's pov:
Where the hell is she? Its almost an hour since i have gotten home and she is nowhere to be found. Yeah i know its only an hour but then i am getting hell bored. She should be here.
I closed my eyes for a minute just to feel relaxed.

Anna's pov:
I came home and i see sophie lying on the couch. I miss her so much. We haven't talked alot during these days. Every other girl needs a girl talk. I decided to wake her up. But she is sleeping and she needs her rest too. Maybe i should move her to bed. I grabbed her shoulders and tried to move her. Gosh... she only moved an inch.
She will have to wake up for the dinner anyway so why not for a coffee or something?
I got an idea to wake her up.
I know she will kill me but yeah its the only she will wakeup.
I got a tub full of water and without thinking i threw it on her.
"Flood... AAHH!" She shouted.
"Hahaha" i was laughing so hard at her reaction. I didn't knew she could think it as flood or something. Actually i didn't expected this.
I was laughing so hard that i didn't realized i was on the floor holding my stomuch.
The next thing i knew was a tub full of water thrown at me.
"Here you go BITCH" she said and she statrted to laugh.
"Hey! I did it on a purpose. I was missing you so much."
"I was missing you too baby. But revenge you know."
She said and again laughed.
This wasn't even that funny.
"Go change we will spend a girl night today. We will go to a club and then we can grab pizza or something for dinner" she said
"nooooo we will go to rides and we can grab pizza or anything you like." I really hate clubs and stuff.
I said more sternly this time.
"okay fine you win Anna."
really? she Said yess.
"omg omg omg thank you so much Sophie. I love youuuu."
We both quickly got up and went to our rooms to change. I took a shower a quick one. I am so excited. I have decided to wear my favourite jeans with white top.
I quickly dried my hair and tied them in a high pony tail. I applied powder and gloss. I was all done.
I went down and waited for sophie.
This was going to be a fun day. Sophie finally came and i decided to drive.
We finally reached pur destination.
"So whatsup with you and Zach?"
Sophie asked.
"Wait... we will talk about boys later. First we will spend our night"
Sophie shook her head but she knew that she has to agree anyway.
I grabbed her hand and excitedly went to the train first.
One by one we sat on many rides. We also took so many pictures. Hangouts with best friends are so much fun. And I am so lucky to have her.
"Hey I am hungry now."
Sophie said has that 50 time approx.
"Alright we will eat pizza." I suggested.
"Better than rides. I feel like puking."
"Hey! rides were so fun stupido."
"Yeah right."
Oh I forgot. Sophie hate RIDES!!
I mean seriously? How can someone hate rides? She is definitely from another planet.
Sophie decided to drive. As she was like I am more hungry so I will drive fast. Wow! What a reason.
We entered in to a cozy restaurant.
Smell of pizza made a grumble noise in my stomach. Yeah I was hungry. But I didn't realized it. I think I was too busy enjoying rides. I didn't gave a damn about the emptiness un my stomuch.
We finally placed our oders.

"Yeah, first you tell me about luke".
I asked her. I was so curious and worried too. I hope everything was fine unlike me and zach.

"I don't know how to explain Anna. Whenever he touches me i feel electric shocks. Whenever he is around me i don't know what to say or what to do. This is completely different. I feel butterflies in my stomuch." Sophie said.
"Oh my gosh! My bestie is in love"
I yelled.
I was so happy for them.
"Not love i just like him"
"No babes you are in LOVE"
"By the way tell me about you and zach"
My expressions changed. I became a little bit sad or something.
"Hey? Tell me".
Sophie said worried.
"It's just that, i decided to tell him today about my Dad and why i left him..."
Sophie intreptted me and said
"Did you tell him? What was his reply"
"Phie can you just shutup and listen".
"Oh i am sorry it's just that i am so worried."
"Okay so..."
I was just starting and waiter came.
Gross... why the hell everyone has to interrupt me.
He brought our pizza. Its smelled yumm.
"Okay so you can tell while eating"
I noded.
"okay, so i was about to tell him the real reason. I said that do you want to know why i left you? And there came the least unexpected answer. He said that he thinks it was because of that night. And he took things too fast. I was not ready yet. yeah that was right, but you know that it was not the real reason and then..."
Sophie interrupted me...
"and then you being the stupid one told him he was right."
she said while rolling her eyes.
how did she know that.
I just nodded looking down. seriously I didn't wanted to talk about this stuff. it hurts sometimes.
She softly padded my hand. she knew they make me feel comfortable.
"Anna... I know you since we were kids. I know you more than you even know yourself. you always run from your problems. you never face them. I know you don't want to talk about this stuff right now. but I can tell that my best friend is falling for this guy... Hardly."
what? is she out of her mind? she knows the truth. this can't be happening...
before I can even finish my mental babbling Sophie again spoke up.
"this is happening baby. you have never cried over a guy. actually you never gave a Damn about any guy. this is the guy who will brake your walls. Anna.... look in my eyes."
I did as she asked. I knew she would convince me somehow.
"now is the time to face your problem. you have to do it. you are doing wrong with Zach. even you are hurt and scared. I know that. just tell him the truth. it's up to him then. I know you can do it. by the way Lucas told me that we are going to a beach. it's gonna be so fun. and I guess it's the correct time to speak up babe."
woahh... that was quite long. how can her mood change so quickly. I mean seriously. she was just being serious and out of nowhere she remembers about this beach plan but I knew she was right. tomorrow I am going to the beach. Zach will also be there. this excites me so much but then I am scared aswell. Maybe after knowing the truth he I have never felt like this before. maybe for the first time she is right. but tomorrow will be a big day.
"okay Anna get up dude.we have to go shopping."
"what? no no. I will never go to shopping with you. by the way we are only going to a "beach". so it's not a big deal at all."
I really hate shopping especially with Sophie. she doesn't buy even a necklace if the red is not that red. she hate light pink but she loves a shade darker than that. Golden should be a shade between dull and bright. I mean seriously? if red is red than why do you need that type of red instead of this one. it's almost the same. ahhh it sucks.
"you are coming and that's an order."
I know she will take me even if it's by kidnapping. she once really tied my hands and mouth. I don't want to remember that incident. It was so embarrassing. I quickly erased that event from my mind and started following her before she comes and picks me up. Sometimes I even wonder why we even are best friends.
*****AFTER 3-4 hours.******
finalyy... I am seriously so tired.
Sophie insisted me to buy a purple swim suit with black dots on it. she matched it with a black sun dress with purple designs on it. finally she bought black flip flops to complete the outfit. it was too much seriously. I loved the outfit though. she bought a very beautiful blue swim suit with black designs on it. she bought blue flip flops and a black and blue dress.
Sophie was driving as I was fucking tired.
"phie that was no fun."
"sometimes I just wonder why you even are a girl?"
"hey! if you don't like shopping that doesn't mean you are not a girl. not fair."
she rolled her eyes at me.
"girl enjoy shopping dumbass."
"what ever."
"okay drop it. I just realized we haven't met with our friends man."
phie said changing the topic.
"yeah I miss them soon much."
"tomorrow we are going with boys so why not day after tomorrow?"
"yeah that will be fun."
"I will call everyone and we will go to a club"
"no know I hate these type of places."
"I went to rides with you so now it's my turn to decide."
I know she will win somehow. and it's her turn to decide where to go.
I huffed.
"okay fine."
"really? omg omg this is gonna be fun."
she started jumping. like really? it will not be that much fun. by seeing her jumping and shouting around the whole house. I laughed so hard.
she hugged me and I stopped laughing.
"okay fine baby girl stop this shouting. call everyone and then sleep."
"haha okay mother. you too sleep tight and don't let Zach's thoughts take your mind."
we said our good byes and I went to my room. even though we share a house but then also we say our goodbyes like we will never meet after that.
I took a quick shower and changed into my jeans and t-shirt.
I lied on my bed and closed my eyes. tomorrow is the day Zach will know the truth. I don't know what will his reaction be. he will shout at me maybe leave me. this thought made me cry. I am so stupid. why he will even waste his time with me. maybe he will laugh at me and say that it was just some time pass. there are 10000 thoughts in my mind. I think I should sleep now. I.closed my eyes tightly and concentrated on sleeping. the last thing that took my mind was Zach.
some one was shouting on my head continuously. I sat up when I felt tons of water was thrown at me with so much pressure.
" close your mouth dumbass. and stop staring me wide eyed like I am from another planet."
I didn't realized that my mouth was opened. I quickly closed my mouth and stopped staring at her.
"okay get up bitch. boys will be here in no time."
I suddenly realized about our beach plan.
"but what about school? I cannot miss it. I have already missed one whole week because of Zach's situation. I cannot afford to miss more and...."
"today is Sunday!"
Sophie interrupted me. oh I didn't realized it. well than tadann. I will get ready.
"now stop smiling like a fool."
I was smiling? I didn't realized that.
I guess I have got a new habit to do things without realizing. I wonder if sometimes I do it with Zach... woahh.. it's gonna be so embarrassing.
"now get up bitch"
"okay phiee"
with that Sophie left to get ready. okay so today is gonna is be a big day. I don't know what I am gonna say. what he will do.
I sighed..
I erased my mind from these thoughts. I got up for a cold shower...
okay so guys support me for this book. I am sorry for updating slow. ignore mistakes.
bye love you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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