21 - The Sæ's

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Don't Tire Your'Self
Drinking The Sea's
More Than What Will Unthrist Yoü.

Listen To Your Body,
For Every Feeling is A God's Guide
of This Wide and Wild Map
of Ocean's,
Our Home's.

We are Aquatic Creatures
Out On The Land,
Too Close To The Sun,
And We Made The Lands Our Home's,
God's That We Wish To Be.

Let Us See How Great The Sæ Still Is For Us !

Let Us Drink and Swim,
Breath Water,
Like The Fish and Mammals We Have Been For Always as A Race.

We Need Water More Than Just by the Tip's Of Our Lips ;
We Must Inhale The Essence of The Waters of God.

Don't Tire Your'Self,
But Learn to Swim With Her.

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