T - The Responsible'd's

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We Used To Be Children
Crying for Game's and Toy's and Doll's and Plushy's and Doudou'x
with All Our Heart's
in Scene's
of The Scenario's
in Our's Head's
and Heart's.

Were We Innocent's
or Alive'd's ?

Isn't Life
Isn't Love
Scenario's ?

I Think We Were Both
and Still Are.

What About This Scenario :

The Dead's are Happy Where They Are,
Laughing With Us,
Willing To Comfort Us When We Cry,
Looking and Taking Care of Us,
Waiting For Our Beauty's
to Shine In The Morning's
and Luminate The k'Night's.
They Love Us From Where They Are,
They Don't Hold Any'Thing or Any'Pain
From Us,
They Share Still,
In The Light's of Our's Shadow's.
They Make The World
as They Always Has Been
and They Look at It
Without Any Doubt's
Without Any Sorrow's or Pain's
About The Good of Their Place's
and Your's
bæcause They Can Be With Yoü
From There.

And When You Cry
At This Scenario Where They Are Gone and Untouchable Forever,
It Makes Them Laugh Tenderly
and Worry About You –
Not About Them'Selve's
or About The Future's ;
Bæcause They Know
Everything Will Be Fine
and You Still Love Them
even Through
even By
The Pain.

They Look at You,
You Little Child,
Crying Over A Scenario Sad
that The World Has Made Up
Out of Despair and Melancholya.

They Look at You and They are Crying Tær's of Joy
for The Future Where You Don't Suffer
and You Smile at Them
and Ever
Until You Meet in Their Place's
Where There Will Alway's Be A Place For You
ma child.

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