52 - The Hair's

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There is Multiplicity
Nourrishing and Nourrished
Upon and In Your Body,
Cell's and Hair's
Forming Crowds Moving and Bowing to Each Other
and to Centers,

You Have Caves and Fields and Worlds Upon and In Your Body.

Cut The Fields Wisely,
As When You Cut,
You Moisson.

Water The Trees and Plants Good,
As When You Nourrish,
You Grow.

Take Nutriments as Assurance of Abundance and Health for Your Future and Your Springs and Your OffSpring's,
EveryDay A Gift to Your Terre.

Nourrish Your'Self with The Moisson
to Build The Strength and Health to Moisson Again Soon,
in Cycles,
cause there is Good in Cycles

And The Seasons Will Bless and Be Blessed,
Upon your Field's
and Home's.

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