XIII. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

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King Viserys I Targaryen is dead.

His body is locked inside his chambers. The last people his rotting eye saw was Helaena, Genna and the children. They often went to his chambers early in the nights so the children could say their good nights. Alyssa would often read him stories of the Conquerors. Viserys often mistaken her for Rhaenyra.

While the Blacks already returned to Dragonstone, the Greens remained seated within Alicent's chambers; thinking, pondering. They had to play this correctly if they wanted to see themselves succeed. Ser Criston was the first one to find out of the King's passing, the key within his fingers turning quickly in the frame before he rushed to tell the Queen. Baelor was the next one to know the news. He found it out from Criston, having to swear to him to not tell a soul about it. Genna and Heleana or Myna still don't know it. Aemond does, when he sits by the fireplace, chin in his hand. Otto walks up and down the dimly lit chambers, thinking, planning. Baelor stands in the middle of the chambers, unaware of his surroundings. It felt strange - it wouldn't be the first time he killed a man, it would, however, be the first time he killed a man by poison. Strangely enough, he felt worse for the man he killed before than he felt for killing his own father.

What is to come felt strange to him. He wondered what it was like for Viserys - if he died peacefully, if he choked on the last drop of poison Baelor gave him within his teas. If he died thinking broken family bonds were now stronger. If he died wondering if making Rhaenyra his heir was a bad decision. If he died knowing that he even had other children besides Rhaenyra.

"... to find him," Baelor heard his grandsire when he brought himself from his thoughts. He's talking about Aegon who somehow figured their father was dead and is now one foot on a ship to Essos if they don't find him.

When Aemond suggested he goes with Criston to find his brother, his grandsire shot him down, "let Baelor get him."

When he looked at Otto, he knew what he meant: you said you wanted him dead? This is your chance. Baelor nodded, looking at his mother in one of the armchairs, "I can do it."

When he took a few steps back and nudged his head to the doors for Ser Criston to follow, his mother called out; voice strangled from the prayers she spoke for the past day, "Baelor."

He turned his head to look at his mother. She didn't say a word, she didn't have to do so for him to understand - do not do anything you or us will regret. Baelor nodded his head and disappeared in the long a dim corridor.

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