Chapter 1

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She's the girl that has a few best friends. The girl that laughs the hardest at her own jokes. The girl that expects way too much. Says she doesn't care what anyone thinks, but does deeply. She's the girl who is nice to everyone. She's the girl that will hang up on you, but will call you right back and say sorry. The kind of girl that will put all her trust in you until you give her a reason not to. She's the girl who will never leave your side when you need her, the girl that will go out of her way to cheer you up. She's the girl who says she isn't ticklish, but really is. She's the girl who will not give up on you if she really believes in you. She is the kind of girl who believes in love.

That's the girl I fell deeply in love with but it's impossible for anything to happen because I know she won't like me. Everyone in this school knows just who I am and who they think I am isn't who they think. I haven't had the greatest of childhoods.

My childhood consisted of lies and being used for ruining another family. Well, their mum ran off with my dad and their dad said if I did what he told me to do I would get information on the whereabouts of them both. I doubt that would happen but I'm just too gullible to realise what is happening.

Back to the gorgeous goddess of a girl. Her name is Charlotte. She's got long mid back rosy red hair and has the sweetest smile and the voice of an angel.

Today is the day I'm hoping to talk to her but with the web of lies everyone has been feeding her I doubt she would even listen to me but it's worth a shot.

I see her sitting in the courtyard of the school looking as beautiful as always and decide to walk over to her "Hey Charlotte". I say in a shy tone.

The look on her face sends shivers down my spine but what she says feels like daggers to the heart "Mia why the hell are you talking to me. I don't want to be seen with you. The last person who was your friend ended up leaving the school because she found out you were bullying her behind her back. I'm not going to do that".

I go to talk but nothing comes out. I just decided to walk away. I hate that this school sees me as the devil's spawn but in fact I am not I am really nice. You know what I'm going to show this school I'm going to show them that I do in fact have a nice side how I do not know but I will.

~One week later (still Mia's POV)~

I have tried everything to show Charlotte that inside I am nice and I will treat her with the respect and love she deceives well first I need to know if she likes girls which is going to be hard to hear because if she is straight then I'm going to be really heartbroken.

Today she's sat in the same place as always and as always she looks gorgeous. As I walk over to her I decide today I'm going to sit down and not leave until she has heard me out. So I do as so I sit down next to her and she shoots me and confused look I look back at her and smile then in a shy but slightly confident tone say "hey Char can we talk".

She shakes her head and says in a slightly harsh tone "Amelia for one my name is Charlotte you have no right calling me Char because we aren't friends and I do...".

Before she could finish I jump in and in a hurt tone "Charlotte please can we just talk. Everything that everyone has said is wrong I'm not that mean. Please I just want to be friends I have no one". I was trying my best not to cry but it just came out but what happened next shocked me.

She pulls me in close whilst rubbing my back says "Mia I know you want to just be friends but all you do is hurt the people that want to be close to you. I just don't want to be added to the list of people you have hurt".

I pull back and say "Char sorry I mean Charlotte. I know I have been a bad person over the years but I want to change and I was wondering if you would help me do that. Help me become a better person because I hate that everyone sees me as the devils spawn. I want them to see me for who I really am because inside I am really nice. I just have a lot going on but have no one to talk to about it". I look down because I know if I look her in the face any longer I'm going to end up crying.

But I'm brought out of my thoughts when I feel a hand start to rub my shoulder I look up and see Charlotte with a gorgeous smile but what she says takes me by surprise "ok Mia I will help and if you would like you can tell me what you going through I might not be able to give you the best advice but I can give you a shoulder to lean on".

I smile and say in a sincere tone "thank you Charlotte you have no idea what that means to me when do you want to talk. I have no lesson right now if that's ok with you that is".

I see Charlotte go into her bag and pull out two pieces of paper first one she writes something down and hands it to me which I take at quick glace at and smile as I realise it's her phone number and the next must be her timetable as she looks up to me then back at the paper and says "ok I'm free as well as you can tell I have also given you my number so whenever you feel alone just call me or text me and I will try and reply".

I smile back and we start talking about everything from my dad running away with Reece's and autumn's mum and that their dad is using me for details. I decide not to tell her about me and Reece as I am going to end it with him later I know neither of us want to be in this relationship and he has eyes for someone else so it's probably best if we end it.

As we came to the end of the conversation charlotte took my hands in hers and as tears started to flood her eyes threatening to fall she looks at me and says "Amelia I am so so sorry I judge you based on what everyone was telling me before even getting to know you properly which I feel sorry for now knowing what you have been through and I hope that after this chat that we will be friends because I actually think you are really sweet and I have done for sometime but everyone's judgement clouded mine and made me believe that you were just a horrible person and I'm so sorry for that". When she stopped talking the flood gates had opened and tears started to full down her gorgeous face.

I placed both my hands on either side of her face and wiped the tears and in a soft tone say "Oh Charlotte Gorgeous little Charlotte I could never stay or be mad or upset with you because I know you have the kindest of hearts that's what made me fall deeply in lo...".

I blush hard pulling my hands away from her face and turning around hoping she didn't hear the end of what I just said but I was taken by surprise when I suddenly felt two very soft lips on mine I closed my eyes then opened them instantly when I realised they were the gorgeous angle. I deepen the kiss just a little trying not to scare her then after a few minutes we pull apart trying to catch ours breaths but before I could speak the angle speaks first "Mia I'm so sorry I.. I didn't mean to. I just got caught up in the moment when you said it was what made you fall deeply in love with me".

I smile and says with a massive smile spread across my face "Charlotte for one I didn't know we were at the nickname stage of our friendship that only started an hour ago which by the way I love and your name is now Char and two that was the best kiss I have ever had".

She pulled me in for another kiss, and we just spent the rest off the day talking and kissing. we also decided we didn't want to go back to lessons, so we went to town instead. 

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