Chapter 4 - Part 3

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~Charlotte's POV~

As I run after Mia I see her sat outside on the grass. I slow down and walk over to her sitting down "Mia what happened in there I have never seen you flip out like that before other then punching Delilah".

She turn to face me and I see that she had been crying she wipes her face with her sleave and says "Char I flipped out because I'm fed up with people treating us like sh*t. People at school do the same but they call you worser names then they call me but I'm used to it all but because I'm your girlfriend I feel like I need to protect you even though I know you don't need protecting but your the first girlfriend I have actually cared for so knowing people are being hurtful towards you just p**ses me off so I'm sorry for getting mad back there but the built up anger that I had just got to much".

She looked away from me and looks down at the ground playing with the grass and speaks again "and I'm sorry for taking it out on you I just saw red and everyone was in the firing line".

I climb onto her lap and start passionately kissing her only pulling away so that the both of us can breath. I feel her hands flow all over my body travelling up the inside of my top. I pull back slightly and rest my forehead against hers and in a soft whisper "Mia I love you more then words can explain and it makes me happy that you want to protect me but lashing out on people isn't the answer and I will never ever be sad or scared that shouted at me. In fact I kind of found it hot how you were acting and what you said to that man about his wife was well if he wasn't there and we were further in the back today would have gone so different"".

She shoots her head about up with her jaw practically touching the floor I know that would be her response. I let out a little giggle and place my finger under her chin closing her mouth and joke "Mia if you keep your mouth open long enough flies would think it's a cave".

She slaps me carefully on the arm then tries to speak but trips over her words "Ch Char you don't know how sexy you are. We really need to get home now because I swear to god if we don't I won't be encounterable for my next actions". I smile whilst Standing up pulling her up as I do the we walk and in head back to her house.

~Mia's POV~

As we arrive back to my place I go to take my shoes off but before I could take the second shoe off I'm pinned up against the wall. Take by surprise but I go along with what's happening as I know we are both alone I slide my hands up the inside her top and pulling it up over her head kissing along her jaw line and onto her neck. I hear my name being called but choose to ignore it until I realise it's not Char's voice so I pull away.

I look over my shoulder to see my mum stand with her arms crossed and in a harsh tone say "Mia really is there going to be a day where you do bring home a random girl".

I give her a angry look and say "Mum what are you talking about you know who Charlotte is we have been dating for a few weeks now".

I can see the confusion build up on her face but what she says next sends shock waves down my spin "What do you mean your been dating for a few weeks because if I remember correctly I saw you last week red short hair in pigtails and she didn't look like Charlotte also you were all over each other".

I go to talk back but Charlotte jumps in first "Amelia what does she mean by you were all over a girl with red pigtails....". she pauses and I can tell she is about to cry as her voice is cracking "Mia please tell me you not cheating on me. Please tell me she was just imaging things because if she's not then we are over".

I turn to her not knowing what to say because obviously if I tell her the truth then I would be lying and I can't do that. I go to talk but Charlotte talks again "Amelia Roberts  I can't believe I let you do this to me I thought you loved me or was that a lie. Was I just another pawn in this game of chess were you just hoping that I wouldn't find out that I would just go along spending my life with you am I just your side chick just in case you get bored with your other girlfriend".

I see tears rolling down her cheeks and I start doing the same I walk up to her taking her hands in mine but she pulls them back and steps back I look her dead in the eyes and say "Char sweetheart...".

Before I could continue she jumps in "No Amelia you have no right to call that actually do you know what you have no right to call me at all because we are over".

She walks out the door and before I run after her I turn to my mum and scream "what the actually do you what you not worth my time why do you just go out like you always do".

I turn around and race out the door hoping to see Charlotte. I walk out of the garden and see her sat on the bench in the park just across the street and run over to her. "Charlotte please let me explain it's not what you think".

She looks up at me she then stands up and walks up to me and scream "then what is it Amelia because from what I heard is that not only are you seeing someone else but you have brought them back to your place".

I look down at the floor not really wanting to tell her what actually happened and say whilst tears start falling "Charlotte I'm not cheating on you and I mean that I would never ever do that to you and I promise because in you I have found my forever person. I just didn't tell you because I'm scared about what you would say".

I can see the confused look appear on her face but it's hidden behind the angry look that's on top. She then steps closer to me and says "Amelia just ambit that you have cheated on me and stop making up lies".

At this point I'm starting to get angry which I don't want to do as she's the love of my life "Charlotte I am not lying". I sigh trying to calm down and say "please can we just sit down so I can explain to you what actually happened".

~TW Drugs~

She nods her head and we go to sit down on the bench and I tell her about the girl that my mum saw me with. I told her that her name is Delilah and that she goes to our college and that we met at a party that I went to last week and that all I remember was arriving at the party but nothing else. It wasn't until two days after that I found out my drink was spiked with some sort of drug.

After we spoke I can tell Charlotte still wasn't happy but what she says felt like she was pushing daggers in my heart "Mia I sorry that happened to you but I think we need some time apart. I just don't think I can trust you right now". She goes to stand up and I grab her wrist but she pulls it away but before I could speak which I couldn't do she was already out of the park and walking away.

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