Chapter 3 - Part 2

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~Mia's house (Mia's POV)~

We finally arrive to my place and head straight for my room. It has a bigger TV then downstairs I brought it myself with the money Roger had been giving me for doing his little jobs. I also have a lock n my door so my mum doesn't actually know I have it.

We walk over to my bed and both lay down Char curls up on my chest which sends a small shiver down my spin. I grab the remote off my bedside table and hand it to her and in a quiet tone say "Sweetheart you can choose what we watch. I don't mind".

She nods and starts flicking throw we come across and show called 'Riverdale' I have see it advertise a few time but never thought about watching it but now that is on I'm more then happy to watch it.

After watching two seasons I suddenly hear soft sounds coming from the angle on my chest and I can tell she had fallen asleep which brings joy to me knowing that she feels safe enough to fall asleep.

I decide to go on my phone and scroll throw TikTok but without noticing my eyes grow heavy and close I only notice they had closed when I'm woken to the sound of my alarm I slap my self mentally for not turning it off but to my surprise Charlotte was still fast asleep. So I decided to slide her carefully off me and climb out of bed I walk over to the chair that's in the corner of the room to grab the blanket that is folded up and walk back over to the bed and carefully placing it Charlotte then head downstairs.

After arriving downstairs I walk into the kitchen and look at what food we have in to see we don't really have anything I decided to just head out to the bakery down the room.

~Charlotte's POV~

As I wake I open my eyes look around the room feeling really confused I look down and realise I'm still in my clothes and not in my own room so I decided to stand up and start looking for clues as to where I am when I suddenly come across a little photo album and decide to let my curiosity get the better of me and start looking thought it and to my surprise it's full of Mia And Reece and his little sister Autumn from when they were little. They look so happy playing running around.

As I go to turn to the next page I jump when I feel a pair of arm snake around my waist. I looked back to see Mia kneeling down behind me she then rests her head on my shoulder and in a soft tone says "morning sweetheart how did you sleep. We have nothing in so whilst you were asleep I wen to the little bakery down the road and brought something to eat".

I placed the album down on the bed side table and turn around so that I'm now facing her placing a kiss on rosy red lips which I can tell she's only just done as there still slightly wet and with each kiss I deepen them until were both out of breath.

As we pull apart Mia looks at me with a shocked expression "well that is one way of telling me good morning. I may have to ask you to stay over more often if that's how you will be waking up". laughing as she speaks so I softly slap her on the arm.

I lean back over to the bedside table and say "I slept amazingly you bed is super comfy but when I woke up I was slightly confused as to where I was so I had a look around and found this and if you don't mind I had a little peek inside and all I can say is baby Mia look adorable."

I look back up and see Mia cheeks match the colour of her lips then she takes the album from me and says "actually that little baby is in fact little Reecey. He actually doesn't know I have it well Autumn knows I have it but I told her not to tell him and if she does I will tell him what's in in the little diary of hers". She gives me a little evil laugh and speaks again "anyway lets forget about this album. What would you like to do today".

I think for a moment and say "how about we go to the movies my treat". I see a small smile appear on her but it isn't convincing me. So in a slightly confused tone I speak again "Mia what's wrong don't you like the idea if not we can do something else".

She places her hands either side of my face and pulls me in for a kiss and says "sweetheart I am meant to be spoiling you not the other way around". I look down and nod.

~At the movies (Mia's POV)~

After getting ready and leaving I realise there's something wrong with Char but decide not to question it if she wants to talk about it she would. We arrive at the movie's get are tickets and some snacks and go to find our a signed seats. We had both agreed to watch the new Inside out Charlotte said the first one was her favourite and I'm not going to lie it was mine favourite as well.

Halfway through the movie I could hear the light sounds of someone crying I look to my left and see that it was Charlotte. I turn to her and take one of her hands in mine and whisper "Sweetheart what's wrong why are you crying".

She turns to look at me and in an embarrassed tone says "Oh I'm sorry it's nothing it's silly anyway".

I look at her confused and say "sweetheart it's ok nothing about feelings are silly plus it's me you can tell me anything".

She smile and lets out the cutest little laugh whilst still crying "it's silly because I'm sad because Bing Bong was my favourite character and he's not in this one when I watched the first one I sang and danced around to the song".

Omg when I thought she couldn't get any cuter she throws that line at me. I lean over to her and place a soft kiss one her nose and say "Omg Char I thought you couldn't get anymore cuter but you saying that line just made you 100% cuter. But you shouldn't be embarrassed about that he's your favourite character so it's ok to feel upset. How about after this I treat us both to Ice cream".

I see the smile keep back onto her gorgeous lips and what she says next sends shivers down my back "I love you...". She pauses realising what she just said that speaks again "I mean I love ice cream yeah I love Ice cream".

I mimic her smile but mine grows bigger then hers if that's even possible and say all giddy "Char sweetheart did you just say you love me" I see her blush a bright red and she nods. I pull her onto my lap not a care in the world about our surrounds and kiss her passionately and deepening it. I pull apart so we can both breath but were close enough that our lips are still touching I then whisper "I love you to my extremely hot girlfriend".

~TW homophobia~

We continue kissing until the lights turn back on which we didn't notice as we were both to in the moment it wasn't until I heard a comment from someone walking down the step "that's disgusting can't you do that at home".

I look at him and trying not to get angry in front of Char I decide to make a sarcastic comment "and why is that".

In a angry tone the man responds "because for one there are kids around and two I think woman shouldn't date".

I give look at him and in a harsh tone "your only jealous because your probably not getting any from your wife" I hear a small giggle from charlotte and I can tell I hit a nerve because he started to raising his voice says "how dare you say that you tramp".

I carefully lift Charlotte off my lap and go to throttle him but Char grabs my wrist and whispers "No Mia don't he's not worth your time. Let's leave and go back to you're place I'm getting quite tide anyway". I turn to face her pulling my arm out of her grip and storm out of the room leaving her behind.

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