Chapter 6

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~Mia's POV~

It's been 6 months since we got back together, and nobody has given us any trouble, probably because I threatened Delilah, but she deceived it. You beat my girlfriend up, and I beat you up twice as much.

Today is our first day back to college and if I'm being honest I would rather just stay home and cuddle up with my sweetheart but she said if we want to get into our dream jobs then we better start going to our classes.

"Amelia out of bed or no kisses or cuddles for the rest of then week". Char says to me, trying her hardest to pull me out of bed but failing.

I pull her down on top of me and start laughing whilst tickling her and say, "But I want to stay in bed with my gorgeous girlfriend".

She tries to stand up but once again I pull her back down which in return earns me a angry glare so I let go for her and she stands back up looks at me and says "I would love to stay in bed Mia but we have college and I don't feel like failing as I really want to get a job child care. So please can we hurry up before we are late? "

I stand up and wrap my arms her waist pulling her into a small but passionate kiss and say "My gorgeous sweetheart they would be idiots to fail you your the smartest girl I have ever met and you deceive to work in your dream job because I know for sure you are amazing with children would you like to know how I know that".

She looks at me confused and nods "Well My gorgeous girlfriend you are the sweetest kind heart person I have ever met and I know for sure the children will love you just as much as I do". We kiss one last time, then get ready to leave. 

~Charlotte's POV~

As we walk hand in hand through the front door, everyone practically runs there, all scared of Mia due to her threatening them all. It's actually quite funny to see everyone run, but at the same time, I feel sorry for them. Not all of them have done anything wrong but Mia is just scary.

It's my first lesson and I'm not happy with it as Mia isn't here. It's the first time since we got together that we have been separated and I'm not ok.

As I'm sat quietly taking notes that the teacher has written on the board I hear people talking behind me I can't quite hear what there says until I hear Mia's name and everything turns red and I shoot up "What the f*ck did you just say about Mia".

The girl who I'm guessing is the head of the group walks up to me and says "I said why would Mia date an ugly tramp like Charlotte to be fair Mia isn't that good looking either so in a way your good for each other".

Before I could comprehend what I'm about to do my hand swings straight for nose causing her to go crashing to the floor I climb on top of her and scream "YOU CAN TALK SHIT ABOUT ME I DON'T CARE BUT TALK SHIT ABOUT MY GIRLFRIEND NOW THAT'S A WHOLE DIFFERENT BALL GAME". I continue punching her until I feel someone grab my fist .  spin round to find the teacher standing behind me.

She lets go of my hand and screams down at me "Charlotte Roberts get down to the headteachers office now same goes for you Alison but first go to the nurses office I will call head so they both know your coming". I give her one more swing to the nose  and hen stand up.

I storm down to the office and get two weeks ' uspension. As I walk out of school crying only just realising that's going to be going on my college record ,  Message Mia that I have been suspended from college for two weeks for beating someone up. I don't get a response, but I turn around and see an out of breath red head. I look at her shocked and says "I only just sent that message how did you get her so fast aren't you on like the third floor".

I see her look away from me then I a slight whisper hoping I don't hear her which failed "I actually didn't go to class".

I move so she's now looking back at me and in a angry tone say "Amelia Roberts your meant to be turning over a new leaf and start paying attention and not bunk lessons".

She smiles and in a shocked tone says "says little miss I just got into a fight in the middle of lesson and got herself suspended. How did you get into a fight and who with".

I look down as I start to play with my hands and says "Alison Walker she was talking shit about us".

I look up and see Mia's fists ball up and storm back into the building I run after her but I know when she's in this mood it's hard to get her out of it.

As I'm rushing after her I spot Alison stand laughing with her friends then realisation hits me and I notice Mia is walking towards her.

As we arrive Mia grabs Alison by the neck causing Alison to flinch and try to struggle out of Mia's hand but fails due to Mia's strength. Mia then punches her straight in the nose causing Alison to scream in pain then Mia screams "YOU LITTLE COW. HOW DARE YOU CALL MY GIRLFRIEND A TRAMP. CALL ME IT AS I DON’T CARE BUT CALLING HER IT IS COMPLETELY NOT OK. SO WHAT I WANT YOU TO DO IS APOLOGISE TO CHARLOTTE AND IF YOU DON’T YOUR NOSE WON'T BE THE ONLY THING THAT GETS BROKEN".

Mia let's go of Alison's neck not before throwing her towards me then a scared crying blonde looks up at me and says "Charlotte I'm really really sorry I didn't mean to. If I'm being honest I'm actually jealous of you because you have a girlfriend". The blonde paused and turns to Mia then continues "I'm sorry and jealous because you are with a girl like that not even your mum stayed I bet little miss perfect will do the same when she realises your just a no body and piece of gum on the bottom of someone shoe. Charlotte could do better".

Before I could comprehend what Alison had just said I see Mia go rushing outside I decide not to say anything but race outside to find Mia punching everything that infront of her. I race over to her and grab her wrist which she pulls back and I'm guessing she doesn't notice its me because the next thing I know im on the floor and everything has gone black.

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