Chapter 2

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Almost 1 Month Later


I finished off the mashed potatoes and chicken we had had for dinner.
"I bet you are all wondering why we are having a long dinner with me home. You all know I am not usually home for dinner because of work. This is a very special dinner." Dad announced.
We all looked back at him with confused faces. He was right. Why was he home? My parents only do this when they want to tell us all something important, and I could sense this information wasn't going to be good.
"Over the years, you have all told us about the many problems with our school. First, it had mold, then, there was bullying, and so on. We decided to listen to your complaints and we have decided on taking you to a new school this year. So next week, you all will be going to Harbor High School." Dad finished.
"Harbor High School?!" I repeated. "The biggest high school in the county?!"
"Yes, that Harbor High School. The one with the little anchor logo." Dad clarified.
"Oh yay!!" Audrey squealed.
"Oh NO." I groaned. "Aubrey, you've never gone to a new school before. It might sound fun, but it's a lot of work and really awkward at times." I explained.
"Girls, you will be fine. Amy, you're only going to be going there for two years, since you're in tenth grade. We thought it would be nice to enjoy those last two years of tenth grade in one of the best schools in the state. Daniel is going to college for the first time this year, so you guys won't have him. But you'll still see him once in a while." Mom said.
"Yeah Amy. It will be fun!!" Emily smiled in excitement.
"Okay. I'll try to have fun. Thanks Mom. Thanks Dad." I got up from the table and put my dishes in the sink.
I trudged up the stairs and sat on my bed in my room.
Going to a different school. It would be even harder trying to keep my mermaid secret. I had kept it from my family, which wasn't easy. Every once in a while I would spill a glass of water on myself or get sprayed by water somewhere, and then I would just rush to the bathroom and say I had to go really bad or say I needed to wipe the water off my clothes. Not going swimming with my sisters was the hardest. I always went swimming with them and looked for hidden treasures. And now I couldn't go tubing with them or even kneeboarding. So far, I had been invited once to a swim party. I really wanted to go, but I knew it would be impossible. I just told my mom I was planning on going somewhere, I didn't feel good, or I didn't like that friend anymore. She always felt bad for me.
School was starting in less than a week. In fact, I had exactly 4 days until school. I had already picked out school supplies. All I needed was to find friends. Friends that I could trust. And maybe even one to share my secret with. It would feel nice to tell someone. It's hard keeping that big of a secret a secret.
"Sweetie?" I heard a knock on my door. Mom.
"Huh?" I replied. She opened the door and sat next to me on my bed.
"Is there anything bothering you? Is it the school? I'm really sorry. We thought you would be excited. Your Dad worked very hard to get enough money for the scholarship." Mom saddened.
She was right. I would be very excited- if I hadn't turned into a mermaid a month ago. But Mom would understand if I told her my secret. Would she? I don't even think she would believe me. But she's my mom. I have to tell her everything. It feels nice to share my feelings with her.
I will tell her, I decided.
"Mom, the school isn't bothering me. I guess I'm just nervous."
"About what?" Mom asked.
I turned to her uneasily. "Well, I have this secret... I'm nervous about keeping it from the other students. It's a hard secret to keep."
"What secret? You can tell me." Mom assured.
"It's a weird secret." I said. "Remember that day I was at the dock, coughing up blood?"
"I claimed I visited this strange cave. Now I know that the cave isn't just a nightmare or a dream I had. I really went there. It's just, I think it had some sort of magic entrance. The entrance disappeared after I went inside it. After I fainted, the magic transported me back to the dock. And, the magic changed me." I hinted.
"What?" Mom responded.
"I am part... Whenever I touch water... I... I..." I searched for words. "Turn into something else. That's why I don't go swimming with you anymore. And that's why whenever water spills on me I rush to the bathroom."
Mom looked at me with unbelief. It would be hard to tell her. If I did, she wouldn't believe me. I would have to show her.
"I'll show you, but you have to promise to not freak out." It seemed awkward to be talking to my mom that way.
"Whatever Amy. You can, I won't freak out." Mom promised, starting to get annoyed.
I ran to the bathroom and filled a glass of water barely reaching halfway. I walked back to the bed and sat down.
"Ready?" I asked.
"Ready..." Mom said.
I put one hand on the glass but the other one directly beneath the lip. One single drop splashed on my hand. My legs started to glow.
Mom looked back at me surprised. I was starting to change my mind about showing her, but I can't go back now. 5... 4... 3... 2.... 1...
The glowing stopped. My mom widened her eyes in shock. I closed my eyes, waiting for her response.
"You- You-" She gaped. "Sweetie, that's great!" She exclaimed.
"It is?!" I opened my eyes.
"I didn't know mermaids existed! That is wonderful. Now I understand everything. And don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Not even your father. And I'll always be here to back you up in case anything happens." Mom smiled warmly. "It's okay to be nervous about the new school. If anything happens, You always have my permission to skip the day or talk about it."
The water from my hand dropped of on to the bed. My tail was starting to glow again.
"Thank you Mom. You're the best mom ever." I hugged her. My legs were back, and I walked with her out of the room.

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