Chapter 6

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"He's your soul mate!" I said happily to Cora.
"I know! Bye!" She waved as she stepped into the car and her parents drove off. School was over, and my mom hadn't come to pick me up yet.
"Hi Amy!" I heard behind me.
"Hi Kurt." I responded.
"We were talking about the party tonight." Kurt mumbled. "Are you sure you can't come?"
"I think so... Do we have to go swimming?"
"Not if you don't want to. If you don't, I won't!" Kurt smiled.
"I might be able to come. Hey, that's my mom. I'll ask her." I walked over to her car.
"Is it okay if I go to a party tonight?" I asked quickly.
"Sure. But be home before eleven." Mom answered.
I nodded then ran back. "I can come, but I don't think I can go swimming."
"That's great! I don't have to go swimming either." Kurt agreed.
"Thanks Kurt. See you tonight!" I said as I rushed to the car.
"Who was that?" Mom asked as soon as I came in.
"Just someone in my class." I responded as we drove home.


I arrived at the party late, but Cora came with me. She had been invited by Garrett.
"Are you excited?!" Cora jumped up and down.
"Yes!" I squealed.
We were led through the house to the backyard, where people were swimming in the pool and having fun. I examined the yard for Kurt.
There he was, in all his honor and honesty. No, cross off the honesty part. He was in the pool. And also cross off the honor part too. He was in the pool having some "fun" with girls. They were touching him all over and all he did was smile and laugh.
"How dare he!" I said as I walked back into the house.
"Amy!" Cora called after me. "What's wrong?"
"Did you see him?!"
"That traitor!" I said back.
Cora didn't look happy either.
"What's wrong?"
"It's Garrett... He... I don't really like him. I wish it was Jonah instead." Cora mumbled.
"What? Why?"
"He... Already has three girlfriends." Cora admitted.
"Garrett?" I asked, surprised.
"Yeah. And I hear he has a really bad temper." Cora sighed. "I don't know how I'm ever gonna like him."
"I'm sorry." I whispered back. "But first, I have some business to take care of."
I walked back outside and looked back at him. I looked at him until he noticed me. As soon as he saw me, I sent him the dirtiest look I had ever made in my life. Then, I left.
I heard him calling out after me, but I ignored it. Cora opened the door for me and proudly shut it behind her. What a friend! I stepped into the car and drove away.
My phone was ringing. I picked it up.
"Please come back."
"Is this... Kurt?"
As soon as he responded, I hug up on him. I would speak to him tomorrow at school, but I didn't see any need to go to that stupid party.
Cora, who had been silent the whole time, turned to me.
"You know, turns out that none of us seem to like who we got as our soul mate."
"I like him, it's just... Not at the moment."
"Same with me, except I feel the moment will never end. I very strongly dislike him. I know I shouldn't say this, but I hate him." Cora turned back to the window and was silent once again.
I hate to see Cora this way. "I don't understand. You told me your soul mate was supposed to be perfect for you."
"He is. But I guess my mermaid instincts made a mistake." She mumbled.
I tried to think of something to say to cheer her up, but nothing came to mind. I arrived home and ended the day without a word about anything that had happened today.


I arrived at Harbor High School in the morning. I kept an eye on Kurt, and avoided him wherever I went. But it had to happen. At the end of third hour, he approached me without hesitation.
"Amy, about last night, I'm really sorry. I didn't know those girls. They just wanted to be friends with me. Not like how I want to be friends with you."
"I need to get to my next class." I said with my head high and walked away.
I needed to stay strong. I'm not going to let Kurt get away easy for this.
I walked into fourth hour, grinning as if nothing had happened. I sat down in my normal spot. I was alone in the corner, because without Cora in my class, I had no friends. A guy with spiky brown hair came and sat next to me.
"Hi." He started. "I'm new here."
"Hello. I'm Amy." I smiled back politely.
"I am Calder. Calder Repiv. You can call me Kade."
"Yeah, I know... It's Greek."
"Oh. Hi Kade. Welcome to Harbor High School."
"Thank you." Kade put down his backpack and took out his things.
Kade was nice. Really nice. Maybe even better than... Kurt?
I took back the thought. Kurt was my soul mate. I couldn't go back on him. But he had gone back on me. But he didn't know we were soul mates. But he had betrayed me, either way. And this was my chance to bite back.
"Kade, would you join me and some of my friends to a movie tonight?"
"Sure!" Kade looked excited.
The bell rang, and soon the whole class was quiet.

I walked to lunch with Cora at my side. As soon as I sat down, Kurt came with Garrett and sat across from me.
"Hi Amy." He smiled hopelessly, giving up on the chance of winning me.
"Hi Kurt." I smirked back. Cora turned back to me like I was an alien.
"What are you doing?" Cora whispered.
"What do you mean? I'm just talking."
"Amy, I know you. Something's up."
"I'll tell you later. Just follow my lead."
"So... About last night..." Kurt brought up again.
"Last night? Forget I was even there. I want to talk about tonight." I hinted.
Kurt, with a hopeful but surprised expression shining across his face, tried to guess what I was thinking. "You want..."
"To go to the movies tonight. I'll bring some of my friends, if that's okay."
I softly elbowed Cora.
"Oh! And Garrett, would you like to come with me?"
Garrett clenched his teeth. "Uh... I already have a girlfriend."
"You have three." Cora corrected.
Garrett, embarrassed, tried to respond.
"Please Garrett." I joined in.
"Okay." He agreed.


Shouldn't be long now. Cora should be here to pick me up. I was wearing a coral dress with a spider web pattern at the top. Simple, but elegant.
I slid in the car next to Cora.
"You nervous?" I asked.
"No. But I want to sit next to you." Cora demanded.
"You know you can't. I told you earlier that I need to sit by both Kade and Kurt. You need to sit by Garrett."
"He called me and told me he was going to bring one of his girlfriends along. He hung up before I could respond."
"Well then you can still sit by him."
"But I hate him." Cora protested.
"You can't hate him! You barely know each other."
"Cora, I'm sorry." I sighed as we got out of the car and entered the theater.
Kade was already there waiting with another girl. Kurt and Garrett weren't here yet.
"Hello Kade!" I greeted him. "Who is this?"
"This is Rachel, Garrett's girlfriend." Kade introduced.
"I'm Amy. This is Cora."
"Nice to meet you. I understand we were invited by Cora. Cora, I am a very close friend of Garrett's."
"I don't care." Cora growled.
"But just don't forget that. I don't care if you care or not."
Their conversation was interrupted when Garrett and Kurt both entered the theater. Kurt had a surprised expression on his face when he saw me standing next to Kade.
"Kurt, Garrett, this is Calder."
"Hello Calder." Kurt shook his hand. "I am Kurtis."
"Hi. I'm new here. Amy was nice enough to invite me here. You have a very friendly girlfriend."
I felt my cheeks burn red from his comment. When I looked back at Kurt, I noticed he had done the same.
"Um... Yeah, she is nice." Kurt responded. I could see Cora smiling next to me.
"Well!" I said to get attention. "How about that movie?"
They all walked through the doors and got our tickets. We all sat down.
At the end was Rachel, then Garrett, Kade, Kurt, Me, and then Cora on the other end. I don't know how she ended up sitting next to me. Somehow Kirt and Kade ended up being friends instead of enemies, like I had planned. I my mind, all the jealously and anger had been replaced with soft forgiveness toward Kurt. I really knew he had feelings for me, and it must have been what Kade had said about us that caused the revealing.
We were seated and staring at the blank screen, wiring for the movie to start.
As I looked over at Kurt, I saw his eyes widen and his legs shoot up. I turned to him, about to ask a question, when I felt scaled run across my feet. I shot my legs in the air, like Kurt had done. A second later, I saw Cora do the same.
"What was that?!" I shivered.
"A snake!" Cora replied. Goosebumps covered her arms as soon as the words came out of her mouth. Garrett stared at us like we were crazy (it would look that way, with each of our legs sitting in the air).


How can I see him? Kade was blacking the way for me to see Garrett next to him.
"Where's Kade?" I asked, worried. I hadn't seen him walk out.
Kurt nervously turned his head to see the empty seat. "He... Just... Disappeared."
"He can't just disappear." Cora commented.
"I don't know where he went then. Maybe he was scared by the snake."
"He would have had to pass us first. He can't go that way." I pointed to the crowd of heavier people to our right.
Before they could respond, the screen blinked twice before turning fully on. A huge snake was on the screen.
The same snake I had seen before.
Big, blue, and two icy fangs on the two ends of it's mouth. A blood-red tongue flickered out every two seconds. Nine words seemed to sting it's mouth, and sounded like poison.

"If you are in this theater, fear your life." It hissed.

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