Subject-AdjectiveThe subject refers to person/thing/noun or whatever that is acting. The subject does the action of the verb. In English, the subject always comes before the verb.
The object refers ti whatever the verb is acting kn. In English, the object always comes after the verb. However, a sentence with a verb does not require an object. Sometimes, there is no object because it has simply been omitted from the sentence. Other verbs, by their nature, cannot act on an object.
Subjects are also present in sentences with adjectives. However, there is no object in a sentence with an adjective.
Verbs and adjectives are placed at the end of a sentence. Actually, every Korean sentence and clause must end in one of the following:
✔️ Verb
✔️ Adjective
✔️ 이다Every verb, every adjective and 이다 end in 다, these are the only words in Korean that can be conjugated.
Korean also has a formality system built into the language. That is, the way one speaks to an older person who deserves high respect would be different than the way one speaks to a friend. There are many words in a sentence can change depending on the formality of the situation but the two most common, basic and important things to be aware of are:
나 I/me
저 I/me

Korean Language for Beginners
RandomThis book contains the alphabet, vocabulary and grammar for Korean language. The explanation is in English and do take note that the example for Korean word or sentences does not contain romanisation, only in Hangul. Feel free to ask me if you have...