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You already know that"I" in Korean is 저/나. You also know the translation for various objects in Korean. 의 is a particle that indicates that one is the owner/possessor of another object. It has the same role as putting an apostrophe followed by an "s" in English. For example:
저 I
책 book
저의 책 My book

You can use these words in sentences you are familiar with (with verbs and adjectives):
선생님의 차는 크다 The teacher's car is big
나는 선생님의 차를 원하다 I want the teacher's car
나의 손가락은 길다 My finger is long

You will find that words like "my/our/their/his/her" are often omitted from sentences. As you will learn continuously throughout your Korean studies, Korean people love shortening their sentences wherever possible. Whenever something can be assumed by context, words are often omitted from sentences to make them more simple. For example:
나는 나의 친구를 만나다 I meet my friend

Can be written as the following:
나는 친구를 만나다 I meet my friend

In this case (and many others like it) you are clearly meeting "your" friend, so the word "my" can be omitted from the sentence. Always try to stay away from translating sentences based on context as done above.

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