나라 country
가방 bag/backpack
창문 window
잡지 magazine
방 room
냉장고 refrigerator
개 dog
강아지 puppy
고양이 cat
쥐 mouse
펜 pen
전화기 phone
커피 coffee
식당 restaurant
건물 building
텔레비전 television
미국 USA
캐나다 Canada
호텔 hotel
학교 school
은행 bankADVERBS :
안 inside
위 on top
밑 below
옆 beside
뒤 behind
앞 in front
여기 hereVERBS :
있다 to be at a locationADJECTIVES :
있다 to have something

Korean Language for Beginners
AléatoireThis book contains the alphabet, vocabulary and grammar for Korean language. The explanation is in English and do take note that the example for Korean word or sentences does not contain romanisation, only in Hangul. Feel free to ask me if you have...