음식 food
케이크 cake
공항 airport
병원 hospital
공원 park
한국어 Korean (language)
머리 head
다리 leg
손가락 finger
귀 ear
팔 arm
눈 eye
입 lips/mouth
배 stomach
버스 bus
배 boat
우리 we/usVERBS :
먹다 to eat
가다 to go
만나다 to meet
닫다 to close
열다 to open
원하다 to want (an object)
만들다 to make
하다 to do
말하다 to speak
이해하다 to understand
좋아하다 to likeADJECTIVES :
크다 to be big
작다 to be small
새롭다 to be new
낡다 to be old
비싸다 to be expensive
싸다 to be cheap
아름답다 to be beautiful
뚱뚱하다 to be fat
길다 to be long
좋다 to be goodADVERBS :
아주 very
매우 very
너무 too (often used to mean 'very')

Korean Language for Beginners
RandomThis book contains the alphabet, vocabulary and grammar for Korean language. The explanation is in English and do take note that the example for Korean word or sentences does not contain romanisation, only in Hangul. Feel free to ask me if you have...