The Prophecy

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I am still trying to get past them. I used to think that I'd find love, that I'd have a family of my own, but now I don't hope anymore. If I am not performing or traveling, I write songs. It always has helped me before.

I am sitting in front of the window with my guitar, trying a new melody. It's late, but I just can't sleep. I look to the sky,

"Please. I've been on my knees. Change the prophecy. Don't want money. Just someone who wants my company. Let it once be me," I sing as my voice cracks, letting my tears flow down my cheeks.

"Are you okay?" I jump as I hear a voice behind me.

It's Will. He is looking at me. How long has he been standing there?

"No one ever taught you that it's bad to spy on people?"

"I wasn't spying. I heard a sound from the living room at 3 in the morning, and I was concerned. I thought it was a trespasser," he defends himself.

"Well, no, it's just me," I snap.

"Were you crying?"

"It's none of your business!" I say as I leave the room.

I know he is just trying to be nice, but I am not in the mood.

I pass by him to go to my room when I feel a hand wrap around my arm. I don't have time to pull away before I am pulled into a hug. I feel his hand on my back and the back of my head. He is warm and smells good. I try to pull out of the hug, but he keeps me there. Out of strength, I just pour into tears on his neck. We stay like that for a moment, even after I have no tears left. I let go of him after a while. He looks at me with wonder in his eyes, as if he is asking me if I am okay.

"I'm okay," I answer, even if he didn't ask.

He looks into my eyes, searching for the truth. After a minute, he fully lets go of me.

"You should go to sleep."

He kisses my forehead and leaves.

I am a little bit stunned. I thought he didn't like me, as he was always bossing me around and never letting me get close to the fun.


-The next morning-

I am making pancakes. Cooking always has the gift to make me feel better when singing couldn't. Will comes out of his room. Since my next shows are in LA, we are staying in my house. I really like it. My favorite part is the big garden; I don't have that in New York. Will comes into the kitchen with a very serious look. He doesn't look at me or say anything. Strange.

"Hey, what's up? I am making pancakes. Do you want some?"

"No, thank you. We have to talk. About last night."

"Oh yes, thank you. I was ..."

"It can't happen again. I am your bodyguard, so we have to keep our relationship strictly professional," he cuts me off.

"Oh, yeah, sure..." I say, confused and embarrassed.

Yesterday was the first time I felt better since Matty. I wish I could hug him again. But he was right; I don't want to fall for someone else right now, or ever again.

The days go by slowly. I have the same routine. I wake up, make breakfast, get ready, perform, come back home, write new songs, go to sleep, and repeat. After the LA shows, I'll have a little break before heading to Mexico. I'll try to have some fun. I'll be going right after the last show here so I can enjoy Mexico City. I am planning on visiting the city; there are some museums I want to see. I also want to go to the beach. I invited Selena, and Sabrina will also be there since she is my opener for those dates.


Hey, I'd like to hear about what you think of it so far?

I'll post tomorrow so stay tune :)

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