Chapter 1: The Awakening

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           Obama stared at his desk in wonder and determination. He was just about to write a letter to his one true love, Isis. Isis and Obama had been writing to each other back and forth, every month now. 

           "How will I start this.." Barack pondered out loud, tapping his American Flag pencil against his desk. "Should I start it formally, or sexily.." Obama wiggled his eyebrows as he felt a sudden stick in his pants. He looked down and noticed it was a bald eagle emerging through the zipper of his pants. "What the...?? What are you doing in their little one?" Obama patted the eagle on the head. Suddenly, the eagle squawked so loud the farthest man could hear it. Obama covered the eagle's mouth frantically. 

          "Eagle! You need to be quiet. No one can know that I am writing this letter!" If anyone knew he was writing these letters to Isis, he would be kicked out of office for sure. The eagle nodded obediently. "Good," Barack opened the oval shaped window in his oval shaped office and gestured towards it. "Now, fly before anyone can see you have entered through the crevices of my khakis!" And so the eagle flew without another word. 

        As on cue, Michelle Obama rushed into the door, startling Barack. 

       "Barack! I thought I heard a noise! Is everything o- Um, why is your zipper down?" Michelle asked with an attitude, placing her hands on her hips. 

        Barack sighed. "Michelle, its nothing. My zipper broke." He lied unconvincingly. 

        Michelle rolled her eyes. "If you think I'm believing th-" 

       "GOD DAMMIT WOMAN. GET YOUR FATASS OUT OF MY OFFICE." Barack screamed a mighty roar as Michelle ran out of the room with fear. Obama slumped back into his chair and thought of the perfect thing to write to his one true love. 

        He grasped his American Flag pencil forcefully in his left hand and began writing.

        "Dear Isis,

                My love, my one true love. I've read your letters countless times, and I never get sick of them. You are the light of my day, and the darkness of my night. Every time I see you on the news, I smile because of the beauty you bring into the world day by day. I wanted to thank you for everything you've done and I want you to continue doing it. 

                As president of The United States of America, I have a lot of responsibilities. I realize every day that it is my duty to enforce the laws and make sure they are never broken. People believe just because my years as president are drawing to an end, that I won't do anything special. But I proved them wrong didn't I. I allowed gay rights throughout all 50 states. Now people can see I'm not the nigga that I was. I'm a changed nigga. Now people can say "Thanks Obama." with sincerity, and not sarcastically. 

               Anyway, I believe that our love should not be hidden any longer, and we shall confess our love for each other to the world before it is too late. I have already recognized that people will judge us, but I am willing to leave my bitch ass looking wife for my love, you. Please write back soon, I would love to hear your thoughts on my situation. But remember, my years are drawing to an end. 

                                                                                                                                            With Love,

                                                                                                                                              Barack Obama."

             Obama read over the letter and smiled. He grabbed an envelope and sealed the letter while humming the star spangled banner. He looked out the window and motioned for the beautiful eagle to crawl back into his pants. The eagle flew in with open wings and squawked a  quiet love whisper into Barack's ear. 

             "Thanks, Obama." The eagle quietly whispered as he slid slowly into Obama's pants, zipping up the zipper for hibernation until the next letter. Obama smiled as he ordered his servant to send the letter immediately. 


       Once Isis received this heartfelt letter, he read it and frowned. Even though he respected Obama's decision, he had other people he had to think about. He glanced over at Barack's letter, then looked slowly to Vladimir Putin's letter....


thx for reading my chapter i will update

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