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When the doorbell rang the next morning, Jimin was already in the gym, stretching his muscles before his training session.

He didn't hurry to the door—he stopped to check his reflection in the mirror.

Jimin ran his hand through his brown hair, making his already messy hair even more disheveled. He glanced at his clothes: a tank top that made his eyes look blue rather than green and a pair of white shorts that showed off his legs and ass to perfection.

Jimin smiled grimly. Perfect. He wanted Yoongi to stare at him, knowing that he could never, ever have him. The doorbell rang again.

Someone was getting impatient. With one final glance at the mirror, Jimin went to open the door.

Yoongi's eyes immediately went to Jimin's hips and legs. His lips thinned. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket and gave Jimin a very unimpressed look.

Jimin smiled innocently. "Good morning." Still saying nothing, Yoongi continued boring a hole in Jimin with his eyes.

Jimin licked his dry lips and cleared his throat. "Okay, I want to make something clear: what happened yesterday was moronic and will never happen again. You kiss terribly, by the way."

"Do I?" Yoongi said through his teeth, still looking pissed off. "I got a different impression yesterday."

Jimin glared at him. "I'll have you know I just have a very sensitive mouth. I enjoy having something in my mouth, that's all."

Yoongi stared at him.

Jimin fought back the blush threatening to creep up his cheeks, wondering what the hell was wrong with him. His brain-to-mouth filter seemed non-existent when Yoongi was around.

Figuring offense was the best defense, Jimin smiled. "You're imagining my mouth around your dick, admit it."

Yoongi's jaw worked.

"Don't bother denying it," Jimin said with a shrug. "I don't care. It's not like it would ever happen, so you can imagine all you want. You'll never touch me again."

"Don't be absurd," Yoongi said. "I'm your physiotherapist. I can't avoid touching you."

Feeling silly and embarrassed—he felt that way far too often in Yoongi's presence—Jimin glowered and headed to the gym, trying not to stomp, mindful of his injury. His groin didn't bother him at all lately, but he wasn't willing to risk re-injury— he would never hear the end of it from Yoongi.

"Stop swinging your hips," Yoongi said irritably, following him.

"No one's forcing you to look," Jimin said, just as irritably.

Bloody hell, this had been a terrible idea. He shouldn't have manipulated Yoongi into staying simply because his pride was wounded. What was he trying to prove? It was obvious they couldn't achieve a working relationship while this...thing was hanging between them, taut and loaded. God, he'd never before wanted sex so badly that he had to consciously stop himself from jumping the guy's bones.

They entered the gym in tense silence and looked at each other. Yoongi moved toward the mats.

"Did you do your exercises yesterday?" His voice was cool and very professional all of a sudden. "Hip adduction, hip flexion?"

"Yeah," Jimin said.

"Isometric adductor exercises?"


"Did you apply ice after the exercises?"

"Of course I did."

"Any pain?" Jimin shook his head.

WARRING HEARTS ○ YOONMIN FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now