Meant To Be Yours

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Gauri stood before the dressing table staring at her own figure in the mirror. A slight ting of pink colour was spreading on her cheeks as she replayed the incident minutes ago. Then in her anger she didn't realise what he had said. But now thinking of it again her heart was dancing in joy. She knows that he had said that in fury and didn't even have meant it. Still her stupid heart never listens.

Gauri doesn't know exactly when she had fallen for him. As long as she remembers she was always in love with him. Omkara Oberoi and Gauri Sharma were friends since they were toddlers. They were neighbours and pretty much grew up together. His sister Priyanka has been her best friend even before she started to speak properly. Even though Priyanka was younger to her by two years, at times she acts like the elder one.

In childhood three of them were thick as thieves. They were always together for everything. But Gauri had a special inclination towards Omkara as he always prioritised her over Priyanka. Even when they fought Om always stood by Gauri irritating the hell out of Priyanka. He always had done things according to her wishes. And this behaviour of his made her believe that he also had some feelings towards her and she waited for him to propose her. But it never happened.

As the time flew the man in Omkara was ashamed to play with girls and went away from them to create his own boys group. He was slowly being distant from them. And slowly Gauri and Omkara went from sharing everything to only necessary pleasantries. As again the time went by Om went out of the city for his studies and it completely cut off their contact. But she had always inquired about him through Priyanka or his parents.

Gauri had believed that she had got over him a long ago until he appeared again before her after completing his studies. All the feelings which she had buried within her had resurfaced again. But she made herself follow the fact that never should have hopes. But his behaviour after returning had made it hard for her. He was behaving like they had never lost contact and talked to her like in childhood days. And on top of that he was also flirting with her whenever he got a chance.

Even though Gauri had decided not to keep her hopes, her heart always fluttered for his flirty lines. But Gauri was happy for the fact that they had reconciled their friendship. The trio had spent time together like old days going on movies, outings and small trips. And in all these times Om never missed a chance to flirt with Gauri.

Today was Priyanka's birthday and both Om and Gauri had prepared a surprise party for her. But it hadn't turned out to be a surprise as Priyanka came to know about it through a mistake by Gauri. And minutes ago Om was blasting Gauri for it.

" You couldn't even do a simple job perfectly!" Om said in anger.

" Om I really didn't mean to ruin it. It just slipped out." Gauri explained again for the nth time.

" Of course you can't keep your mouth shut right?" He taunts. "Idiot!"

Gauri was hearing his taunts for some time. But now Gauri was feeling like he was being too much.

" Idiot hogi teri aulad !" She tells losing her temper. [Idiot is your children.]

" Kaisa na hoga. Aakhir maa to tum ho!" Om replies scoffing. [ How can it not be. After all you are their mother.]

" Get lost you fool." Saying so she storms out of his room in fury.

Gauri had come to her room and was taunting him until his last words registered in her mind. As soon as she realised the hidden meaning behind his words a blush crept up her face. But Gauri shook her head clearing the thoughts.

" No Gauri. Don't fall for it. He is just messing with you. He might be flirting with other girls too. Don't think he loves you. Don't be an emotional fool again." Gauri tells herself.

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