Chapter 1: Paperwork And Hurt

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(oooooo yusssss i feel like making another twau book so haay let's get started let's hop into our meal for today)
(BIGBY'S POV) (of course)
I woke up in my raggedy, blue chair with a groggy feeling running through my body. I raised my head up and looked around the room. Everything seemed to be blurry. I rubbed my tired eyes and found that one pig on the ground, fast asleep. I sighed and got up out of my seat. I didn't really mind having Colin staying in my ap- okay, maybe I do mind, but he really hates it at the farm. (this totally has nothing to do with anything LMAO) Says "the fresh air and sunshine pitch they sell you on is bullshit". After all, I did kinda owe him a house for blowing down his centuries back. I looked up at the clock on the wall. 8:34 A.M. Way too early in the damn morning, I thought as I walked into my kitchen and grabbed a bottle of whiskey out of the fridge. I took a long chug and gulped down at least half the bottle. I put the bottle back in my small refrigerator and was ready to go. Probably had a whole other stack of paperwork ready for me at the Business Office. When does this shit ever end? I could never get a break. I went out of my apartment and closed it behind me as I adjusted my tie. I pulled my pack of my signature cigarettes out of my pocket, slipped one between my lips and lit it as I made my way to the elevator. I pressed the button and waited for the doors to open. When they did, it revealed a very aggravated Grendel. "Fuckin' Business Office.." He mumbled as he barged past my way. I glared at him as I went into the elevator. Jeez, what the fuck is his problem? I thought. I took a long drag of my cig as the elevator ascended its way up. "Ow!" I yelled. I suddenly felt a sharp, stinging pain in my right eye. I tried to rub out the pain, which did make it better. Should probably ask Swineheart about this. I don't wanna go blind in one eye. Fuckin' Mary; that shard of glass must've done some good damage to my eye 'cause it seemed like frequently it would just sting out of nowhere (OKAY I KNOW THE SHARD DIDNT ACTUALLLYY HIT HIS EYE BUT YKNOW WHAT? LETS SAY IT DID LOL). The elevator came to a stop and opened up. I walked out of there and headed my way towards the Business Office. I threw my Huff-N-Puff down and stubbed it with the sole of my shoe before walking inside. Before I was even 5 steps inside, Snow ran up to me with stacks of paperwork in her arms. "Mr.Wolf! You got some paperwork to do, and I want it done by 9!" She yelled, handing me half of the paperwork she was holding. I looked at the clock and yelled back, "But Snow, it's 8:42!" "Well then get to it! Chop chop!" She ordered. I sighed and walked out of the Business Office and headed off to my office. It was like everyday with this shit. Not the paperwork- well yes the paperwork, but it was also something else. Ever since the whole ordeal with the Crooked Man, Snow has been acting super professional lately. She doesn't even call me by my name anymore. It's always something formal like 'Mr.Wolf' or 'Sheriff' or 'Sheriff Wolf'. I was getting tired of it. Sometimes I wished that the whole thing with the Crooked Man didn't happen so everything stayed the same and Snow wasn't so professional all the time. But on the other side of the spectrum, there was a little good that came out of it. Crane isn't the Deputy Mayor and he can't steal from the treasury for his own dumb shit anymore. Fables are starting to trust me a little bit more. That was about it, to be honest. I opened the door to my office and plopped the stack of papers on my cluttered desk. I closed the door, sat down in my chair and got to work. I read the first paper and wrote in big, red letters "BULLSHIT" on the front (LOOOL). I read the second paper and sighed. I signed my signature in different places on the papers. It always occurred to me how I ended up with a fat stack of paperwork everyday. Is the community really that big to maintain? Hm. I was a couple of minutes deep into my paperwork until I heard a knock at the door. I lifted my nose from the stack of papers and said, "Come in." Snow walked into my office with a no-nonsense look on her face. "Mr.Wolf, the Woodsman just called. He said Gren is having a mental breakdown and trashing the whole bar. I need you to go to the Trip Trap and find out what's going on. I'll handle everything up here," she explained. I sighed to myself. There was always some sort of fight or rumble I had to break up. Just part of the job, I guess. I got up out of my chair and walked out of my office. I probably needed a smoke before I handled the situation, so I pulled out a pack of cigarettes once again. I lit one and took a drag of it.
"C'mon, Gren, please! It's gonna be alright, just do-" "'Oh it's gonna be okay', my ass! You don't know how much this fucking hurts for me!" Grendel yelled, slamming his half-full glass of whiskey on the counter. "L-look, Gren. Just calm down before you do something you regr-" "CALM DOWN?! LOOK, DON'T TELL ME TO CALM THE FUCK DOWN, WOODY! YOU DON'T HAVE ANY FUCKING IDEA HOW BAD THIS FEELS! BESIDES, YOU WERE SLEEPING WITH HER SISTER SO DON'T TELL ME NOT TO DO SOMETHING I'LL REGRET!" Grendel shrieked. He yelled so loud that probably half the city could hear it. It even almost brought a tear to the Woodsman's eye. Woody decided it be best to let him cool off for a couple of seconds before speaking again. "I thought things were different after the Crooked shit. But it's still the same!! Nobody gives a shit about us, the strays, and the Business Office hasn't done shit about this for 3 days!!!!" Gren vented. The Woodsman didn't know what to say. As Gren said, he did sleep with her sister frequently and hurt both of them bad with that but he felt Gren's pain. He just didn't know how to show it without Gren freaking out on him. Woody opened his mouth to say something when they heard the door bust open. "Hey!! What's going on here?" The familiar gruff, rough voice said as the wolf that owned it rushed in. "Oh, now you care, huh?!!" Grendel yelled at Bigby. "Gren, I'm not in the moo-" "I'm not in the mood either! Everything is so fucked and you're not doing shit about it, Sheriff!!" He interrupted. Bigby paused for a second and thought about what he just said. Everything is so fucked and he's not doing anything about it? But the Crooked Man case was finished with already. How is everything still messed up? That led the Sheriff to ask this crucial question: "Gren, what are you talking about?" "Holly's missing!!" He confessed. What? The Sheriff thought, confused. "What?" He asked. "Sh-she's gone, Bigby! I don't know where to find her! Its been days and I-I don't know where Holly is!! Fuck!" Grendel yelled, throwing a glass against the wall. It shattered into pieces from the impact (duh, why wouldn't it?). "Look, Gren, you need to tell me everything you know. When did you see her last?" Bigby asked, stepping up to him. "I saw her here a few days ago! We were having a nice chat with a couple of beers and playing poker with fatman over there and Jackie-boy. Then I left to go to my apartment and the next thing I know, I never hear from her or see her again!" Gren explained. He put his hands on his hips and walked around thinking to himself. That's pretty strange. How could she go missing like that so quick? Something wasn't adding up here. "Is that all you know?" Bigby asked. "Yeah, that's all I fuckin' know! Now what the hell are you doing standing here?!? Go find her, Bigby! That's your damn job!!" Grendel yelled in my face. "Gren...please.." Woody tried to calm him down. Grendel didn't say anything back. All he did was look down at his blurry feet (cuz he krunk). It took a lot for the wolf not to yell right back at him. He understood that he was distraught over Holly's sudden abscense and he was grieving but he really wasn't in the mood to get scolded at. As if he doesn't get enough of that from Snow. Once he finally collected myself, he said calmly, "That's what I plan to do, Gren." "GOOD! NOW DO IT!!" Grendel screamed in his face.

(???'S POV)

Not today, Wolf...not today... I thought, chucking to myself evilly.

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