Chapter 5: In The Pursuit Of Evil

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I ran my way through the streets of New York City; pushing my way through the crowd. Manhattan was always a very crowded and claustrophobic city. My feet pounded on the concrete with every quick step. I looked to the the signs of every passing building until I could see a sign remotely close to the one of the Lucky Pawn. I would've took a taxi, but the Crooked Man's door moves very fast. A taxi probably couldn't get to it in enough time. Besides, I'm a wolf. Speed is one of my advantages. I kept running until I saw a yellow sign with thin turquoise lettering on it. Lucky Pawn. Jewelry repair - Antiques - Batteries I chased my way over to the pawn shop and was getting ready to rush through the door. It still had the Crooked Man's symbol on it. I was so close to getting into it when...SLAM!!! "Agggghh, fuck!" I groaned, falling onto my back. I rubbed my forehead in agony as I slowly got back up. The symbol was gone. "Shit!" I yelled, kicking the door in anger. I put my hands on my hips as I thought to myself. Where did the door transport to?


"You fuckers!" I shrieked, trying my best to wiggle out of the constraints. The Tweedles had left a few minutes ago, leaving me in here to rot, probably. I looked downwards as I felt hopeless. There was no use. It had been a few days and I've been locked in this fucking room with barely anything to eat. Nothing to drink. Who the fuck would target me and do this to me? "Hey!! Get your hands off me, jackass!!!" I heard a familiar male voice outside (oooo). "Is that...?" "Stop squirming!" I heard Dee say. "No! Where the hell are you taking me?!" I looked over at the locked metal door as I heard the voices come closer. The door was unlocked and busted open. The Tweedles flung the one-armed man inside the room with me. "Brother, you tie him up as well. Make sure he doesn't try to get away. Boss said he doesn't want anyone flying from under his nose," Dee said to his twin. "Anytime, brother." Dum closed the door behind him and pulled a long rope out of his pocket. "G-Gren??" I inquired in shock. "Holly..?" (GRENXHOLLYCONFIRMEDFUCKYALLIDGAFILOVETHISSHIP) He had a couple of bruises and scars on his face and one of the sleeves on his leather jacket was ripped. "Holly! I'm gonna get you out of this mess, I swear!" "Alright, enough with the chit-chat," Tweedle Dum said, grabbing Grendel by the arm. He jerked his arm away and growled. "No!! Here's what you're gonna do, you piece of sh-" Grendel fell onto his back. Dum grabbed him by the legs and tied one of his feet to the random hooks (just go with it ok just) high up on the opposing wall from Holly. "NO!! YOU'RE NOT GONNA FUCKING DO THIS TO ME OR HOLLY!" (grendel drops a lot of f-bombs like dayum gren back at it again) "HEY! LET HIM GO!" I yelled. A green mist formed around me as I evolved into my true form. A troll. I growled a loud growl, startling Dum. I closed my fists and forcefully broke the restraints off of my wrists and ankles. Grendel looked at me and nodded. He started to turn to his unglamoured form and fell to the ground from the broken restraint on his ankle. We both roared powerful roars as we rushed after the Tweedle. He quickly pulled a taser out of his pocket and shocked both of us quickly. "AGGHHUUHHH!!" I screamed as I collided with the dark metal floor. "RRRRRRUUUHHH!!" Gren fell down right beside me as we both laid unconscious. 



The Crooked Bird chirped through the materials and the glamour tubes. "," he said as he picked up a glamour tube by his beak. "This is the one." He placed it back down at his feet. He looked at the scrambled pieces outside of the tube. "The witches supply the glamours with puzzles so easy. A white deer, I suppose," the bird said, carefully turning the pieces to its correct placement. And indeed, it was a white deer. He squawked in surprise from the green mist that began to form around him.  The Crooked Bird flew off the crafting table as he morphed back into the Crooked Man. He looked down at his position. The soles of his feet were on the ground as he was crouching. His knees were bent all the way and his arms were pushing behind him (LMMMAAAA). He stood back up and dusted himself off. "How embarrassing," the villian said, fixing his hair and twirling the ends of his mustache to perfection (i used to pretend i had a mustache in 2nd grade just so i could do that twirl shit to the ends of it it was great i was like "-royal voice- ahah! ah, teacher, may you hand me that chair over there? ahah! -twirls end of invisible mustache").

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2016 ⏰

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