Chapter 19

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Hi guys! I'm posting the next chapter of Half-Blood Curse this weekend, so if you're waiting on that (I know, its late, sorry) then it will be out soon!

Chass was not a patient hunter, but for this, he would be patient.

He watched Nash with narrow eyes as his human swam around, carefree. He was ungainly and flailing in the water, but that appeared to be how humans swam naturally. It wasn't Nash's fault he didn't have a tail.

"You don't want to come back in?" Nash called from the deeper water, his hair slicked back as he somehow hovered in place. That was a handy skill, Chass could admit. Swimming in place was something he'd need legs for.

"No," Chass rested his chin on his arms, which were on a bed of his coils. "I get too cold if I swim for too long." It wasn't particularly sunny, and fat, bright white clouds crowded the sky, but it was still warmer on the beach than in the river.

Besides, I need to be out here, ready and waiting, for when Nash says his human cock is recovered.

Waiting was irritating and Chass hated doing it, but he almost didn't mind it this time. There was no way he would regret his early morning activity with Nash, so he wouldn't change the past just to speed things up now. If Nash needed to recover, Chass would wait.



"Are you almost done?" He asked, tracking Nash's movements as he swam back and forth between the river's shores.

Nash looked at him from his place by the far shore, and he grinned. Then, he sucked in a big breath, and dove under the water.

Chass waited.

And waited.

Chass lifted up off his coils, then slithered to the edge of the water. "Nash?"

Splash! Nash popped out of the water right in front of Chass and used his arms to throw a bunch of water on him. He was laughing and he was so handsome.

Chass figured he should probably be hissing or annoyed or maybe playing along, but instead he leaned over the water and grabbed Nash around the shoulders.

"Hey, what- Whoa!" Nash gripped him tightly as Chass lifted him straight up and into the air, then slithered back to remake his nest of coils and relax. Nash looked at him with a rueful grin. "Is this your way of saying that you're bored?"

"Mm, no." Chass ran his hands across his human's chest, shoulders, and arms. He was slippery and a little cold, but something about the sensation of him being all wet was rather pleasant. "It's my way of saying I was tired of not touching you."

"Chass," Nash submitted to the touching, as he always seemed to do. Chass loved that.

"Yes?" He shuffled his coils around until Nash was surrounded. He loved that, too.

"What are you doing?"


"You hate waiting." Nash's lips curled in a grin. "What are you waiting for? We can leave, if you're done swimming-"

"I'm waiting for this," Chass put his hand over Nash's cute little human cock, "to recover. You'll tell me when it has, won't you?"

It bucked under his palm, and Chass looked down with interest. He watched as the wet material of Nash's pants bulged.

Chass hissed at Nash in displeasure, and his human blinked in confusion. "Why are you mad?"

"I've been waiting!" Chass pouted, unable to stop himself from rubbing his palm against Nash and feeling the size and shape of him through the damp cloth. "And you've been recovered this whole time!"

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