Chapter 1

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Tatia was sitting in her room, thinking and watching as the rain splatters against the window. The rhythmic pattern provided almost a sense of security, lulling her almost asleep.
She was lonely, she thought after  sighing in despair - no mum, she died when she was younger and a dad who hadn't came home in years, yes she was very lonely.

She liked it that way though, it gave her time to think, to have peace and most importantly: train.
Gym, or Gymnastics as some people call were her life, the one thing she loved. The twists, the stretches - it gave her a sense of freedom and broke up the loneliness.

But there was one problem: the toxic environment. She was constantly branded when she looked too 'overweight' or on the 'larger side' today by her coaches, even though she was the perfect weight in everyone else's eyes.

This made her insecure, and with insecurity comes anxiety, yes to any person first meeting her she would seem confident and independent because she's been bought up fending for herself, but if you were to look deeper behind the façade you would see a broken girl, wanting a sense of belonging.

This is her story, a story of love, action and peace - and she's going to give all of it.


Monday. The worst day of the week, why? School. Tatia hated school, the people, the work and the pressure - it was stupid to her and she had no care for it, but it did break up her day and give her the one person she trusts - Amara.

Amara was her best friend, her security and her lifeline if she ever needed help.
She was a bubbly blonde who loved people, and socialising which is what Tatia hated, but as they say - opposites attract.

Tatia was finishing up her cereal when a voice and a door opening caught her attention.
"Okay Tat, so I was looking through these magazines the other day and look at this bag - it's soo cute," She squealed.

"Hey Tat how are you feeling today," "ooh yes I'm fine thank you," Tatia deadpanned her, shaking her head at her friend.
Amara smiled sheepishly and said sorry while Tatia laughed at her friend.
"You ready for today, do you want to go in - if you don't want to we could have a girls day?" Amara questioned, worried about her friend - she knew her anxiety when it came to school.

"Yeah, thank you plus I've got Gym on tonight at the school, because there's a leak in our normal training hall," she rolled her eyes as she spoke.
"Oh maybe I can watch!" She said, smiling. "I'll ask - also can you drive I've got to finish my homework in the car," Tatia questioned.

"Don't worry, I'll wait in the car," Amara stated, rushing off but tripping on the way. Tatia just laughed at her friends actions and took one look in the mirror before meeting her friend in the car and off they went to start another day at the prison - also knows as school.


Tatia and Amara got quite a few stares going in to school, possibly due to the fact they were both extremely attractive but also due to the laughing fit the two were having.
They were laughing at a video of their science teacher which Amara took of him falling over.

"It's so funny," Amara said, doubling over in laughter. Tatia laughed with her before her breathing increased as she reliased she was in her first class.
Amara senses her nervousness and squeezed her shoulder - "be calm, text me if you need anything okay?" She asked sympathetically. Tatia nodded and stepped in.

People were already in there but not all of them - 'thank god' Tatia thought, she did not want to be the last. Taking her seat, she felt eyes burn into the back of her back and turned around to face Jim Lake, who looked away sheepishly.

She smirked at him, noticing his face redden. She turned back around and tried not to tune into the whispering the two idiots were doing behind her.
Tatia never really spoke to Jim, only in projects or if they were the last ones left - they weren't friends but acquaintances, well they used to be.

Safety - Jim Lake Jr x OCWhere stories live. Discover now