Chapter 2

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The following day dawned crisp and bright, the sunlight filtering through the trees in golden shafts. The promise of a beautiful day energized Evelyn as she prepared her tools and supplies for the task ahead. With a basket on her arm and her hair bundled up in a loose knot on her head, she headed towards the wrought-iron gate of Sebastian's manor.

Pushing the gate open, she stepped into the overgrown garden. It was a sight to behold – tangled wildflowers, thorny bushes, and tall grasses that threatened to consume anything in their path. But Evelyn saw potential in the chaos; a canvas yearning to be transformed.

She approached the nearest patch, kneeled down, and began to pull at the weeds and overgrown brambles. Her hands moved with swift, sure strokes, clearing away the excess growth and revealing the dry, cracked earth beneath. The work was hard, but the satisfaction of uncovering the hidden landscape kept her going.

As Evelyn continued her work, unaware of the passage of time, she was interrupted by a deep voice behind her. "You're quite the industrious one, aren't you?" she heard Sebastian's voice say. Startled, she turned to see the manor's owner standing a few feet away, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Oh, I didn't see you there," Evelyn replied, a little flustered. She rose from her crouching position, dusted her hands on her overalls, and gave him a sheepish smile. "You wouldn't believe how much work this garden needs. It's been sorely neglected."

Sebastian chuckled softly. "I'm well aware," he said, looking over the garden with a critical eye. "It's part of the reason I bought the place. Figured it could use some... tender loving care."

"Well, you've come to the right person then," Evelyn declared, her confidence returning. "Give me a couple of weeks, and I'll have this garden looking like the garden of Eden."

Sebastian's lips twitched in a half-smile. "Quite the ambitious claim." There was a hint of doubt in his voice, but there was also a touch of undeniable intrigue. Evelyn's enthusiasm was infectious, even to his usually stoic demeanor.

"You could always give me a hand, if you'd like," Evelyn suggested, throwing him a cheeky grin. "Two pairs of hands work faster than one, after all."

Sebastian raised an eyebrow at her suggestion, but there was a flicker of interest in his eyes. "You want me to help you?" he asked, as if the thought of manual labor was almost offensive.

"Yes, I do," Evelyn replied, undeterred by his incredulous expression. "It would go much faster, and it might be therapeutic for you." She picked up a pair of garden shears and thrust them towards him.

For a moment, Sebastian looked as if he was going to refuse. But then, something in her determined expression must have gotten to him, because he reached out and took the shears from her. "Alright, fine," he said, letting out a sigh. "I suppose I can spare a few hours."

Evelyn beamed with victory. She hadn't expected him to agree so readily, and the sight of Sebastian in his finely tailored suit holding a pair of garden scissors did seem almost comically out of place.

"You're not going to wear those fancy clothes, are you?" she asked, eyeing his clothes with skepticism. "They'll be covered in mud and grass stains in no time."

Sebastian looked down at his meticulously tailored suit and grimaced. "You may have a point," he conceded, although he didn't seem particularly pleased about it. "But I'm hardly bringing a change of clothes."

"Lucky for you, I come prepared," Evelyn said, reaching into her basket. She pulled out a pair of old overalls that had seen better days, faded and paint-splattered but still functional. "Wear these instead."

Sebastian looked at the overalls with a mix of wariness and disbelief, but he knew better than to refuse. With a resigned sigh, he began to unfasten his jacket. "Turn around," he ordered, clearly not comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of her.

Evelyn obliged, turning to face the neglected garden as Sebastian quietly changed into the overalls. The rustling of fabric behind her made her grin in amusement. When she turned back around, she had to bite her lip to keep from laughing.

Sebastian in the oversized overalls looked almost comical, the fabric pooled around his lean frame like a tent. The serious lines of his face only added to the comedy, as did his still-polished shoes peeking out from underneath the pant legs.

"You look very... practical," Evelyn said, barely managing to keep a straight face. The sight of Sebastian in her old work clothes was both endearing and utterly ridiculous. "Now you're properly equipped for garden work."

Sebastian, fully aware of the ridiculous picture he presented, grumbled under his breath. "Let's just get on with it," he said, attempting (and failing) to retain his dignity.

"Alright then," Evelyn replied, her tone cheerful. "Let's start with taming those blackberry bushes. You can handle the shears, and I'll pull up the weeds and roots."

They worked in a silent but surprisingly efficient partnership, the only sound the snip of the shears and the rustle of grasses and weeds being removed. Despite the difference in their demeanors and backgrounds, they found a rhythm that somehow meshed. In the process, Evelyn couldn't help but notice little things about Sebastian—the intense focus in his eyes as he clipped the blackberries, the quiet strength in his hands as he pulled at the stubborn weeds.

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