Chapter 7

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Evelyn's heart filled at his words, a wave of relief and warmth washing through her. He was trusting her, he was letting go. It was a small step, a tiny crack in the wall he'd built around him, but it was progress, and it was beautiful.

Her fingers continued their gentle massage on his neck, her voice a soft murmur. "Just breathe, Sebastian," she whispered, her other hand moving up, gently tracing the line of his jaw. "Breathe and let me in."

Sebastian's heart pounded in his chest, every beat echoing in his ears, his mind a whirlwind of fear and desire.

He tried to do as she said, to breathe, to let go, but all he could focus on was her: her hands on him, her voice in his ear, her body pressed against his.

His hand on her back pulled her closer, his other hand, trembling, moved up to touch her face, his fingers tracing the line of her cheek.

Evelyn's skin tingled under his touch, the unexpected intimacy of his fingers tracing her cheek filling her with a deep sense of contentment.

She held still, letting him take the lead, feeling the tremors in his body, the rapid beat of his heart. She wanted to say more, to soothe him further, but she knew he needed to do this at his own pace.

So she simply repeated her words, her voice a gentle murmur, "Just breathe, Sebastian. Just feel."

Sebastian's breath hitched, the repetition of her words, her voice, grounding him, keeping him tethered to the moment, to the woman in his arms.

His fingers trembled against her cheek, the feel of her skin under his touch a drug he wasn't sure he could ever get enough of. He was torn between the desire to push her away, to keep his heart guarded, and the need to pull her closer, to drown in her presence.

He drew in a ragged breath, his voice a hoarse whisper, "I... I feel... I feel you."

Evelyn felt her heart skip a beat at his words, a wave of emotions, surprise and joy and hope, sweeping through her. He was feeling her, he was experiencing her, he was letting down his walls.

She shifted closer, her body molding against his, her hands sliding from his neck to his shoulders, holding him tight.

Her voice was a soothing, quiet murmur, "Good. Just let yourself feel, Sebastian. Don't fight it."

Sebastian's breath hitched as she got closer, her body pressed against his, her hands, her voice, her presence, all of it overwhelming his senses, his mind, his heart.

He fought the urge to pull back, to retreat behind the safety of his walls. Instead, he let his fingers trail lower, from her cheek to her neck, feeling her skin, her pulse under his fingertips.

His voice was a ragged whisper, "It's... it's too much... this feeling... this need..."

Evelyn tilted her head to the side, giving him better access to her neck, her heart fluttering as his touch on her skin sent shivers down her spine.

She understood his struggle, his fight to hold on to his walls, his battle against the overwhelming flood of emotions.

Her hand gently cupped his cheek, her murmur gentle but firm, "Just feel, Sebastian. Don't push it away. Let it flow through you."

Sebastian trembled, her words a lifeline, anchoring him in the storm of emotions swirling within him.

His hand rested on her neck, his fingers tracing soft patterns on her skin. The feel of her, the smell of her, the nearness of her, it was all too much, and yet... and yet he craved more.

His voice was a breathless whisper, "I... I don't know if I... if I can handle... all these feelings..."

Evelyn's heart ached at his words, his struggle evident in the tremble of his breath, the shake in his voice, the uncertainty in his eyes.

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