Chapter 11

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A year later, Evelyn and Sebastian are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their first child. When a knock on their door surprises them one evening, Evelyn gets up to open it. Standing on their doorstep is Elias, a young city boy with a confident, charismatic demeanor.

"Elias!" Evelyn gasps, her eyes lighting up in surprise and joy.

Elias stands there, a wide grin plastered across his face. "Surprise!" he exclaims, his voice filled with his usual charismatic energy, "Thought I'd come visit the expectant mum-to-be!"

Evelyn steps forward, pulling him into a tight hug. "It's so good to see you," she says, her voice filled with warmth and happiness, "And 'expectant mum-to-be' makes me sound so old!"

Elias steps back, a mischievous smirk on his lips. "Psh, you're not old. You're glowing," he teases, his voice filled with playful affection. "Look at you, all pregnant and stuff. I bet Sebastian is over the moon."

Evelyn rolls her eyes, a fond smile playing on her lips. "Sebastian is indeed ecstatic," she acknowledges, her hand unconsciously going to her growing belly, "He's been hovering over me like a mother hen, making sure I have everything I need."

Elias smirks even wider at that. "Aww, isn't that just too sweet," he teases, his voice dripping with playful sarcasm, "Sebastian, the worried papa-to-be. I bet he's already got the nursery all set up, with the cribs, and the changing table, and all that shit."

"Oh he does," Evelyn affirms, a little giggle escaping her lips, "He even painted the nursery a soft, soothing blue, saying it's to create a calming environment for our little one."

Elias raises his eyebrows in mock-surprise. "A calming environment, huh?" he muses, his tone still playfully teasing, "I bet that's just Sebastian's excuse to show off his painting skills. I bet he's painted a whole mural in there, hasn't he?"

"He has," Evelyn confirms, a chuckle escaping her lips, "He painted a beautiful, pastoral scene with rolling hills and a setting sun. He wanted to start instilling a love for nature in our child from the very beginning."

"Ah, the poet/painter/father-to-be," Elias jokingly shakes his head, "Is there no end to his talents? Next thing you know, he'll be writing sonnets to your baby bump."

Evelyn laughs at his words, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "He probably will," she admits, a warm smile on her face, "Sebastian has been on an 'appreciating motherhood' roll this entire pregnancy. Anything I do, he finds a way to make it into something motherly and beautiful."

"Aww, how sweet. He's turning intoquite the sap, isn't he?" Elias teases, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorway, "And how about you, expectant mother? How are you handling this whole 'growing another human being inside you' thing?"

Evelyn grins, her hand resting on her belly once more. "I'm doing okay," she replies, her voice laced with a mix of joy and exhaustion, "The first few months were a bit rough with morning sickness and all, but now I'm just happy to feel this little one growing inside of me. It's a miraculous yet somewhat exhausting journey, but I wouldn't trade it for anything."

"Aww, that's the mommy-glow talking," Elias teases again, his voice filled with affectionate mockery, "You're really enjoying this whole pregnancy thing, aren't you? Next thing we know, you'll be telling me you're enjoying the midnight bathroom runs and swollen feet."

Evelyn pouts playfully, giving him a light swat on the arm. "Oh, shut up," she says, her voice tinged with feigned irritation, "I'm not enjoying every single aspect of this pregnancy, thank you very much. The swollen feet and frequent trips to the bathroom at night are not among my favorite things about this experience."

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