Chapter 9

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later in the evening, Evelyn goes home after the heartfelt situation Her and Sebastian shared

The doorbell rings, pulling Evelyn's attention from the book she was reading. She sets the book down and goes to the door, puzzled by the unexpected visitors.

She opens the door to find two village kids standing there. They look about ten and twelve, both with messy hair and dirt smudge on their faces.

The older of the two, the twelve-year-old, steps forward, his voice a curious mixture of excitement and nervousness. "Excuse me, ma'am," he starts, his eyes wide. "We have a question for you."

Evelyn raises an eyebrow, intrigued at the unusual visit. She leans against the door frame, a small smile on her lips. "Well, ask away then," she encourages them, her voice kind yet curious.

The younger kid, a girl who seems barely ten, tugs at her brother's sleeve, whispering something in his ear. He gives her a slight nudge and shoots her a look, then turns back to Evelyn.

"We... we heard that Sebastian Grey is dating you," he says, his voice a hesitant stutter. "Is... is it true?"

Evelyn is slightly surprised by the question but she doesn't let it show on her face. Instead, she smiles and nods. "Yes, it's true," she confirms, her voice soft. "Sebastian and I are seeing each other."

The kids' eyes go wide, their mouths dropping open. The older kid recovers first, his voice filled with awe. "For real?!" he exclaims, his excitement obvious. "You guys are really dating?"

Evelyn nods, amused by their reaction. "Yes, we are," she says, her voice amused. "It's a very new relationship, but yes, we are really dating."

The younger kid, the little girl, can't contain her curiosity any longer. "But... but he's so old!" she blurts out, her voice filled with wonder.

The older kid shoots her a chastising look, his own surprise evident. "Shhh, Allie!" he hisses, trying to shut his little sister up.

Evelyn suppresses a laugh, the kids' bluntness catching her a bit off guard. "Sebastian is older, yes," she replies, her voice gentle. "But age is just a number, isn't it?"

The older kid nods, seemingly satisfied by her answer. The little girl, however, still seems puzzled. "But isn't it weird?" she asks, her voice innocent yet confused. "He's... like, a lot older than you, isn't he?"

The older kid nods, seemingly satisfied by her answer. The little girl, however, still seems puzzled. "But isn't it weird?" she asks, her voice innocent yet confused. "He's... like, a lot older than you, isn't he?"

Evelyn smiles, her heart warming at the little girl's innocent curiosity. "It's a bit unusual, yes," she admits. "But when you meet someone you really connect with, age doesn't matter as much as you think it would."

The kids look at each other, clearly trying to wrap their minds around the concept. The older kid finally shrugs, a hint of acceptance in his eyes. "I guess that makes sense," he muses.

The little girl, however, is still holding onto her skepticism. "But what about his job?" she pipes up, her voice doubtful.

Evelyn tilts her head, slightly puzzled by the question. "His job?" she repeats, her voice curious. "Why does his job matter?"

The older kid gives his younger sibling a nudge, trying to shut her up, but she pushes on, her innocent curiosity overcoming her brother's silent plea. "He works outside the village all the time," she points out, her voice filled with confusion. "How do you spend time together if he's always away?"

Evelyn nods, the kid's question making more sense now. "It's true, Sebastian's work often takes him out of the village," she acknowledges. "But we make it work. We talk to each other whenever he's away, and we make sure to spend every moment we can together when he's here."

The kids look at each other, their young minds trying to process the information. The older one looks up at Evelyn, his voice hesitant. "Doesn't it get lonely, though? When he's gone for days?"

Evelyn smiles, her eyes softening. "Of course, it can get lonely," she admits, her voice earnest. "But it's a different kind of loneliness when you know that you have someone who loves you and is coming back to you. It's a loneliness that can also be filled with anticipation and joy."

The little girl seems to be satisfied with that answer, her face lighting up. The older kid, however, still seems a bit confused. "But... aren't you worried?" he asks, his voice a whisper. "Aren't you worried he might find someone younger than you?"

Evelyn chuckles, the directness of the kids' questions catching her off guard. "That's a very honest question," she says, her voice amused. "No, I'm not worried about that. Sebastian isn't interested in someone younger. We... we connect on a level that goes beyond age."

The kids seem to be mulling over her answer. The older kid nods, a hint of understanding in his eyes. The little girl, on the other hand, seems unconvinced. "But what if he finds someone younger by accident?" she presses on, her voice filled with concern.

Evelyn can't help but laugh this time, the little girl's persistence both amusing and endearing. "Well, accidents do happen," she agrees, her voice gentle. "But part of love is trust. I trust Sebastian, and he trusts me. We're both invested in this relationship, and we're committed to each other."

The older kid, seemingly satisfied with her answer, looks at his younger sibling. Clearly, the little girl isn't ready to let it go just yet. "But what if he gets bored of you?" she pipes up, her voice filled with worry. "What if he finds someone who's more fun?"

The question makes Evelyn pause, but it's out of tenderness more than hurt. She kneels down to the little girl's eye level, her voice soft. "Love isn't about constant fun, sweetheart," she explains, her tone gentle yet firm. "It's about companionship, understanding, and mutual respect. That's what keeps a relationship going, not just having fun."

The little girl seems to absorb her words, her face still full of uncertainty. "But what if-" she starts, but her brother cuts her off with a nudge. "Allie!" he interjects, his voice filled with both annoyance and embarrassment. "Stop pestering the lady! Let's go!"

Evelyn laughs, touched by the brother's attempt to save her from further interrogation. "It's alright," she reassures them, her voice warm. "It's good that she's asking questions. That means she's curious and cares about things."

The older kid shoots her a grateful look, clearly relieved that his sister's barrage of questions is coming to an end. "Sorry about her," he apologizes, his voice sheepish. "She's just... she's very curious, I guess."

Evelyn shakes her head, a warm smile on her lips. "Don't worry about it," she assures them. "Curiosity is a good thing. It's how we learn and understand the world around us. Your sister is just trying to understand this new concept of an older man dating a younger woman."

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