Chapter 3

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Wait! Wait! Hold on!

I take a deep, steadying breath, my eyes clenched shut as I try to process the whirlwind of emotions swirling within me. My hands raise up instinctively, creating a barrier of space between myself and the man before me. The gears in my mind are spinning rapidly, struggling to reconcile the Kai I once knew with the imposing Duke Clorance I now see.

This powerful, intimidating figure was my childhood friend - the same kind-hearted boy who would sneak me my grandmother's coveted apples, whose gentle smile always put me at ease. How can this be the same person? The "mad dog" and "crazy bloodhound" of the empire, the merciless warrior I've heard so many tales about - he is Kai?

I slowly open my eyes, needing to see the truth for myself. And there they are, those mesmerizing blue eyes that I remember so vividly from my childhood. There's no denying it - this is my Kai, the friend I trusted implicitly. But the weight of his title, the darkness whispered about his ruthless nature, casts a pall of uncertainty over everything I thought I knew.

My heart aches with a confusing blend of emotions - guilt for not recognizing him sooner, shock at this revelation, and an undeniable longing for the boy I once knew. How could I have been so blind all these years? All this time, my dearest friend was standing right before me, a facade concealing his true identity. What does this mean for us now? Can I still see him as I once did, or has he truly become the monster the empire fears?

"Kai?" I breathe, my voice barely above a whisper, a mix of disbelief and tentative hope coloring the single syllable.

His lips curve into a warm, familiar smile, and the brilliant blue of his eyes seems to glow with an inner light. "Yes, Lee," he replies, the unmistakable cadence of my childhood friend resonating in his voice.

I stare, transfixed, as the realization dawns on me. This formidable man, the infamous "mad dog" and "crazy bloodhound" of the empire - he is my Kai. The stars in the center of his eyes twinkle with the same endearing emotion I remember so vividly from our youth.

"Oh my goodness!" I exclaim, shaking my head in bewilderment. "You're Duke Clorance? Why didn't you tell me?!" A deluge of emotions crashes over me - confusion, guilt, a deep sense of regret. "If I had known, I wouldn't have..." my voice trails off as I struggle to make sense of this earth-shattering revelation.

Tears well up in my eyes, my lips trembling with the weight of a thousand unspoken words. All these years, I had willingly, blindly, and foolishly stepped into a marriage that was worse than hell itself. If only I had chosen Kai-the right man-all that heartache could have been avoided. I curse myself for ruining my own life, for allowing myself to be consumed by such profound sorrow.

But then a new thought takes root. Perhaps the sweet boy I knew is long gone, replaced by this formidable, feared figure before me. What if Kai has become a different, far worse version of Warrin, the man I unwittingly married? He knows my weaknesses, my vulnerabilities, having been my closest companion. He could use that knowledge against me, just as Warrin had.

My heart is in turmoil, torn between the cherished memories of my past and the daunting reality of the present. I gaze at Kai, wondering if the man I see before me is truly the same person I once trusted with my whole being.

The tears that had been welling in my eyes suddenly spill over, trailing down my cheeks as Duke Clorance's voice cuts through the maelstrom of my thoughts.

"Lee? Lee, why are you crying? Is it... I'm sorry, it's my fault," he says, his voice laced with concern and a hint of desperation.

I blink, momentarily disoriented, and gaze up at him. The distress etched upon his features makes my heart sink. Tenderly, he reaches out and cups my face, his touch feather-light, as if I were made of glass.

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